Fyysikko, 8B
Added by
Marko Kauko
Grade opinions
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Fyysikko 8B
Toni Puurunen about 2 years ago.
Third ascent
Jani Lehtola over 14 years ago.
Ascents from public tick lists

Jani Lehtola
Red point
Third ascent to physical and sustained traverse of beautiful slopers and two small crimps. My style, hooked it all the way.

Samuel Hammer
Red point

Tuukka Simonen
Red point
Eilisen lyhyt sessio loppu sormien aukeamiseen, tänään sit teippien kanssa toppiin. Mahtava linja!!!

Sami Koponen
Red point
The best under 3 meter problem I have done. Exceptional rock quality!
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