Seinänkohtaaja, 6c
7 bolts & chain. Easy start, spicy top out. Mind your left foot at top out!
Name from Liu Cixin's novel The Dark Forest.
Added by
Jonas Broo
Grade opinions
Starts with a 5c sport slab, continues with 6a boulder and ends with a 6a+ boulder with a spicy cave crawl and a technical top out.
Middle boulder unlocks with the layback to the left, continuing to the obscured roof undercling. Top out crux is easier with left hand in horizontal crack, left foot under the left hand, and right hand reaching a a sharp crack 1m right of the anchor. Also doable using the sloper next to the anchor.
Video beta
drone/helmet/ground cameras, uncut cam feeds in vid description
Olli Arkko 8 months ago.
First ascent, after perhaps 30+ tries and falls from the last sequence.
Santeri Vidal 9 months ago.
Ascents from public tick lists

Santeri Vidal
Red point
Emmi Vesalainen
Top rope

Tobias Martin
Red point
Sanoisin että ehkä 6c/+, loppu halkeama ei ollut itselle spicy ja suht selkeä layback betalla, aikaisemmin reitillä oli oma ”voimakkain” kohta mutta suht nopeasti sai koko homma kasaan. Ja eka liidi yrkällä meni
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