Warszawapakten, 6a
5, 3, 3+, 3, 4+, 4-, 6-, 5+, 4, 5- With a 70m rope, it is possible to stretch 3 double pitches, single the two crux pitches and stretch the two last pitches. (5, 3+, 4+, 6-, 5+, 5-). It's an ice line in wintertime, so it takes time to dry up after rain. Usually wet before May. Approach: Ask politely to park the car at Gråtaren farm. Cross gently where the field is at its narrowest to avoid ruin the crops. Follow the edge, after passing a light pole with a post box continue some 30m and enter the woods. After some bushing, you'll be able to see the initial expansion bolts. (The glue-in bolts is a closed project (blue star on sector map) 50m to the left of the route.) Return: Follow cairns up to well marked hiking trail.
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Le Quoc
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Ascents from public tick lists
Le Quoc
Eirik Sjo
Espen Pettersen
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