Den svarte stripa, 6c
P1=6+(35m), P2=7-, P3=7-, P4=6, P5=6-.
Possible to link and club P4&P5 as one long pitch.
Added by
Erik Neergaard
Grade opinions
Ascents from public tick lists

Erik Neergaard

Aino Kuokka
Red point
Led pitch 1, started to lead pitch 3 but slipped at 2nd bolt and ended up going back to the belay station and seconding the rest of the pitches. Climbed with Kalle+Iiro. Mentally draining, especially the first 3 slab pitches - but beautiful! 6 hours to the top.

Iiro Vidberg
Seconded first pitch, led others. 3-person team, ~6 hours from start to stop.
Kalle Karikoski
Top rope
Climbed in tourist mode with Iiro and Aino leading. Quality climbing all the way.
Henning Mella
Lead pitch 2, 4 and 6. Two man team, used 4 hours.
The route is interesting and different than a lot of other multi pitches I have done. The three first pitches are pure slab. Slab slab slab. We were discussing wich one we thought was the trickiest one, and we agreed on pitch three. The three last pitches gives you more vertical climbing.
If you are not used to slab, then it might feel hard for the grade. If you are confident on slab, it might feel soft for the grade.
Overall a nice route that is more technical demanding than physical. The bolts are as good as new and in great conditions. It is short distance between each bolt. And it is easy to bail from the route since it´s bolts the hole way.

Lars Joramo
Public to-do list entries

5 pitch sva utanför Oslo
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