Veni, vidi, vici, 8A
stand start from two good pinches, go via crack to the arete and then top out right and up
Added by
Jani Lehtola
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Video beta
On 8:00 mark on video
Jani Lehtola almost 2 years ago.
New beta
Toni Puurunen about 2 years ago.
Ascents from public tick lists
Sami Haapakoski
Red point
Yeaahh baby, what a line and movement! Probably my best FA to date. Next time I send the whole thing. Imperetor comes;)

Samuel Hammer
Red point

Tuukka Simonen
Red point
Robin Rosenblad
Red point
This boulder has a bit of everything! Personally I think it’s a around 8a/+. Shouldn’t have taken this many sessions though

Kim Lundqvist
Red point
Really nice moves but sharp after some attempts. For me low end 8a when I found the right beta for me. Have to come back for the sit, not enough energy or skin to send it now.
it does not make a different for the climbing but a great different in the landing.
The fact that it makes it easier to practice the moves was just a bonus…. but a flat landing is always better than one with a sharp rock in the middle wouldn't u agree?
how did u almost hurt your self? if its bad craftsmanship from my side i'm truly sorry for that it was a fast solution.
In case it is just not possible to build a good landing a good spotting and careful pad placement is all you can do.
In my opinion the problem in vvv landing in general is that it does not cover the whole problem and parts of it are loose so pads and good spotting is needed anyway
this landing makes it possible to climb the problem with less (of my) pads and without landing on that sharp rock.
of course there is always good to have a spotter.
its not blocking any problem/new lines exempt one 6c that no one climbs… and that i have the first ascent of.
if the landing is insufficient to u than add instead of removing.
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