Ardmair Beach Boulder
Ardmair Beach Boulder 1 / 1
  • SS / Start 1m to the left. From a horizontal rail gain two crimps in the roof then crank for the break. Finish up a flake.
  • SS // Start 2m left of Youzyernee at the back of the cave. Gain a flake in the middle of the roof, snatch to a fat pinch with the left hand, reach a good hold on the lip and finish straight up.
  • SS // From a cramped start, using crimps on the left wall of a small corner, span out to the big half-moon jug on the lip and continue upwards on good holds.
  • SS // Start 2m left of Smiley Problem at a tiny corner and make a weird twisting reach out for a hold below a blocky jug. Gain the blocky jug then finish straight up on more jugs. Halfway along the undercut section is a square-cut lower section. The next problem starts here.
  • SS // Start 2m left of A Right Bulger at a pocket on the lip. Gain the smiley hold and the crimp to its right, then slap up to a satisfyingly good hold and pullover to finish.
  • Start on undercuts at the right end of the undercut section. Using sneaky technique make a stretchy blind move to a good hold then pull over.
  • From a sitting start at a slot under the rectangular roof, go straight over the roof.
  • Start sitting just left of the undercut nose and finish standing on the ledge.
  • Start with left hand on a three-finger pocket at the top of a thin, vertical seam. Up slightly rightwards to a shallow pocket, gain better holds above and pull over.
  • Another slow drying problem just to the left. Start undercutting the crack, span left for a shallow pocket, then slap up for a good finishing jug.
  • On the left wall of the second cave is a slanting crack. Start with hands in a rectangular niche in the crack and go straight up. Often wet.
  • Start on the slab just left of the first cave. Traverse left on breaks and pockets to finish on a high jug on the right wall of the second cave. The secret is getting your feet to stick.