Main Crag
Blood Magic, 6C+
A technical eliminate of Blood Money using micro crimps. Sitting start. Pull from the sitting start break into a right hand undercling. Using the sharp crimps and delicate footwork, climb up and right on the blank face between the broken left arête and The Berryhill Nibbler. Top out. The breaks in the left arête is not part of the route, and are used for Blood Money (f6b)
Added by Cameron Smith
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'Blood Magic' FA Sep 2017
Cameron Smith almost 7 years ago.

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Cameron Smith
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Sitting start. The shortest face on the overhanging wall, but not the easiest! Located on the flat face between the far left arete and ‘The Berryhill Nibbler (f3)’. Pull from the sitting start break into a right hand undercling. Step up and pull into a sharp left hand crimp and a 3 finger right hand groove (at a similar height), followed by throwing dynamically to the crimp up right. Continue up to the break and top-out. The breaks in the left arête are not a part of the problem; no cheating!