Soup Bowl
Soup Bowl
Misty Steamer, 7A
One of the best at Big Choss! Sit-start on the obvious jug-ledge in the pit to the right of the base of the arete. Make a couple of moves straight up on jugs, then head left and get your pinches, heels, and compression working. Cruxy topout. This problem lends itself well to a progression of alternate starts and eliminates up to around V8.
Added by Josh Bylsma
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Misty Steamer (V7 in the guide)
Kent Dunham almost 9 years ago.

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Ascents from public tick lists

Matt Halls
Matt Halls
Red point
Alessandro Roome-Sandrin
Red point
Very fun. Started from the big jug out right as per the route description in the guidebook. Will have to go back for the direct start one day.
Justin Kim
Justin Kim
Red point
Jerome Wang
Jerome Wang
Red point

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