Hip Crusher, Teamwork & Guano
Guano Cone, 6B+
An outstanding line! Proud, obvious, up the middle of a big boulder. Start on low jug, make a couple of set-up moves, then a long pull to a sloping ramp. From here, another long pull gains lip holds. One more committing sequence gives way to an easy (but careful) jaunt to the top.
Added by Josh Bylsma
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Guano Cone
Kent Dunham almost 9 years ago.

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Kent Dunham
Kent Dunham
Red point
Alessandro Roome-Sandrin
Red point
One of the best at Choss. Middle of the road for the grade but Not to be taken lightly. There are some committing moves up top that require a cool head.
Avery Soule
Red point
Spicy top with a few sharp holds can get the nerves up but really nice movement.

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