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The Citadel, 7B+
Added by
Steve Mullins
Grade opinions
Ascents from public tick lists

Jon Roberts
Red point
Soft. Very crimpy for an alleged sloper problem. Awkward movement. The throw to the last jug is huge and took me a bunch of tries.

Collin Horvat
Red point
Shane Grigsby
Red point

Axel Perschmann
Red point
Really soft if you try it in the winter, i guess ... still soft in the heat!! Great but sharp!

Kevin Hadfield
Red point

Aaron Schneider
Red point
A right-ish variation? Do people go out to the jug way left? I used some ridiculous beta to go straight up without the jug. Definitely V8 the way I did it, would seem like V6 if you went out left.
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