Ride the Arete to a dicey top out
Start sit on a left crimp and soft side pull, plant feet. Make a big move to a right hand side pull. Maybe over grown by bush.
Start on low jug and move through a very technical sequence that puts you into baby's first. Shar with the FA last week of 2019.
Grab the 2 Good holds over head. Pop to the Lip.
(6/7 Height reliant difficulty) A hidden gem revealed by cleaning other lines. Start at common start and move through a left hand sequence direct to a solid pad crimp.
Start on low start and traverse left through good holds and a high energy crux. When you made it over the spine breaker rock, shoot for the lip.
Start on the common start and move up to prep for a long move to the crimp for the right hand.
Start on the deepest jug and move up to a far away gaston crimp.