Laroy, 8c
Added by Erik Grandelius
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Erik Grandelius
Red point
Tobias Karlsson
Red point
Thought it would be a good ticklist tactic to send Laroy now when I had the beta dialed for everything but the upper easier section where it veers right from Caveman. Practiced the upper part once. Made an attempt from the ground, but the Leroy part was soaking wet, thought it was ggwp. Thought I should at least make one more A Muerte go, for fun. Somehow made it through Leroy in the wettest state to date. Knee pads, shoes, hands, chalk bag were all moist and I was sure I would not make it through the boulder crux by the anchor of Leroy. Somehow I did and found myself resting before the supposedly easy upper part. I had only checked the beta once, all the cracks were moist and was very fatigued, so I was not sure at all I would make it. Went reasonably smooth up until the last 5 meters where I was very close to falling even if the section is no more than a 6B boulder. I was completely out of gas in the forearms. At the most critical moment I desperately farmed a crimp with knuckles because the fingers were not working anymore. It was everything but beautiful. Anyway, I made it to the anchor and it was a great feeling after a great fight.

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