Yatsy analyse, 8a
Added by 27 Crags
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Axel Hultqvist on Yatsy Analyse.
Tomasz Ratajczak about 1 year ago.

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Ascents from public tick lists

Magnus Högström
Red point
fin ihållande klättring
Stefan Wulf
Red point
Fantastic climb!
Henrik Johansson
Red point
En nemesis! Gjorde den i princip 2ggr igår så ohyggligt skönt att klippa ankaret nu!
Rickard Sjöquist
Red point
Olof Morsing
Red point
Such a nice route. Another must-do in Granitgrottan. Sent it during horrible conditions, 27 °C and sun. Cool crux.
Harry Denanto
Red point
2nd routes send in this sector. It took more tries to send than I thought. But finally sent it in the evening session after made a few tries in the morning.

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