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Erik Massih11 years ago
Sometime between late spring and mid July a big piece of rock has fallen out and the problem sadly is no more than 6b. It's sad to see this happen and I'm somewhat rather sure that the mentioned piece of rock did not fall out by it self, rather it must have taken a fair amount of force for some one to remove it. What the fuck whas this person thinking, who's ego and stupidity must be far greater than his/her climbing ability?
Mia Ekholm11 years ago
C Gredos11 years ago
RIP! Very sad and annoying! September 2012 we noticed some material was lost/removed making the "last hold under the roof" significant bigger than before. And now another hold!
Anssi Laatikainen11 years ago
This is sad. I think Hammas was always THE Åland route. Visually beautiful and climbed well.
Anders Terlongo11 years ago
Thats so sad to hear about such pathetic people calling themselfs climbers doing stuff like this..
Maja Fresk Wulf11 years ago
So glad I did it before this happened!! It makes me superangry to hear.. :-( Such a classic, beautiful line...
Billy Murray11 years ago
Damn! Spent five hours just failing on the long move the last day of the trip beginning of june. Was determined to send it at the end of this month so this is quite dissapointing to hear. I guess I will have to step it up and focus on the finger crack instead though. Original Hammas was definetely a beautiful problem to climb.
Alvi Pakarinen11 years ago
Climbed it a few days ago, felt like a 6C. It's really hard to climb it using the original hold only...
Anssi Laatikainen11 years ago
almost impossible.

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Hammas, 7A+
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After break, eliminate left hand crimp for last move
Rasmus Eriksson almost 3 years ago.
Min 3:38
Marcello Mårtensson over 6 years ago.
Yury Goryachev almost 11 years ago.

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