Who's your täti?, 6A+
Stand start, both hands on good underclings and feet on jammed stone. Climb down other routes after top out. Multiple pads recommended and a spotter. After finding your täti, remember to respect her. It goes without saying, thus I am writing, that we as a climbing community (=writer) will not judge the means how one eventually finds who their täti really is. The search itself can be fulfilling too, do not be afraid that täti is still out there. Let that fact soothe your nerves, täti -people are known to hide themselves well. Like those arctic explorers in 18th century, one should prepare well when searching Täti's. Preparation is the key, journey is the door, the lock is missing.
Added by Risto Takala
Grade opinions
In the beginning, try to place your left foot on the ledge on the left arete (hands on crimps on the lip), then go for sidepull on arete. Look for a triangle -shaped "jug" on the arete, it helps a lot when moving to the top. You can climb the neighbor boulder and look all the holds on top of bulge from there, the holds are not obvious to spot while you are on the wall.
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Risto Takala
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