UNLOCK Hikivuori Premium

UNLOCK Hikivuori Premium

With Hikivuori Premium you get:

  • 24 climbing routes with detailed descriptions
  • 12 high quality topo images
  • 3 sectors with extra details
  • Unlimited access to all the other 3951 Premium crags around the world
  • Offline mode: Use topos even when there's no Internet connection
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The area is access sensitive!

Kalliokiipeily on luonnonsuojelullisista syistä sallittu ainoastaan Esileikki- ja Kevyin linja -sektoreilla. EN: Rock climbing is allowed only at sectors Esileikki and Kevyin linja because nature conservation.

Parking at Ylisenkatu, Tampere. Follow the wide trail to the forest and soon you will notice the cliff on right. Very short and easy few minute walk to the cliff.