The Cotton Pony Low, 8A+
Added by
Alex Biale
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Griffin Whiteside
Red point
Foot slipped, did second go (after flashing higher starts).

James Webb

Mark Podrabinnik
Red point
Soft. First 11 post op. Took about 30- 45min. What a sick line. The pogo is one of the best jumps I’ve done outdoors. Crazy to think it’s been 9 months since surgery and only 5 months since starting up climbing again after almost a year off due to my shoulder injury. To start from what felt like scratch to where I am now feels almost like a dream. Progressing along nicely I like to think but still have a ways to go. Unbelievably psyched to be getting back into it. Thanks to Mark and Kevin for spending the week with me. “LFG”

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