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Puffrisset, 6a
(The Puff Crack) The right-hand crack is excellent. Where the crack runs out, the route continues up the bold protectionless slabs above. The old grade for the crux pitch of N5+ gave a few folks a moment or two of self doubt. Start as for the route Left-hand Crack in a vegetated bay below and left of the cracks, with a flake-crack on its right-hand side.
FA Bjørn Braathen and partner climbed the main finger-crack 6.1981. Anders Bergwall, Mark Diggins, Johan Arnegård, Dick Johansson, Anders Swensson, Stefan Palm made the first complete ascent of the route during a guide assessment for the Swedish Mountain Guides Organization, 8.1992.
Added by
Mikko Wähäsilta
Grade opinions
Ascents from public tick lists

Tommi Karesvuori
pitches 2 and 4 on lead. seconded the scary 3rd pitch. pitch 2 was great. date not exact

Johan Gille

Henrikki Matilainen
Lead 1st and 3rd (crux) pitches, albeit a tad different line on the 3rd than in the topo... More protection, but interesting mossy areta topout, with both feet in moss/slime.
Sari M
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only 2 first pitches
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