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Painajainen assis, 8A
Added by
Antti Virtavuo
Grade opinions
Ascents from public tick lists

Tapio Mustakoski
Red point

Antti Virtavuo
Red point
Second ascent for the "new" Painajainen, after few holds broke during winter. Otherwise third ascent.
Timo Toivonen
Red point
Great line! Almost the reason why I moved to Tampere... Killer heelhook-beta and perfect friction. The difficulty felt quite same as Beta Life direct in Siiri, but Painajainen needed less work and tries. Either Beta Life direct is more like 8A than 7C+, or Painajainen is soft.

Kuutti Huhtikorpi
Red point

Pasi Sjöman
Red point
Superb line and a good day and conditions. Hard to say about the grade, could be 7c+, mene ja tiedä.
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