Henrikki Matilainen13 years ago
According to older topos, Linnut and Rigolehto do not cross. So the orig. Linnut would start pretty much where Rigolehto is drawn now and then take the obvious crack to the anchors. Orig. Rigolehto would take the start of Linnut and then continue on the thin crack where it is drawn now.

That said, if done like they are drawn now. Well, Linnut is pretty much 5- and a nice warmup. Rigolehto would be a slight morpo 5.
Chris Helle13 years ago
I corrected the route drawings to the picture like it's written in the Finnish guide book 2008.
Juha Isotupa10 years ago
The Rigolehto and Linnut trad routes are dangerous.

You need to climb almost half way up, before the first some sort of protection is possible to fit in.

The Rigolehto route seems to continue without solid pro until the old pin under the bulge, from where your doing the exit move.

I think it's more than fair, if the topos are mention about this level runout issues at these grades.
Henrikki Matilainen10 years ago
Juha, while Rigolehto does indeed enot have good protection before the halfway, the climbing before it is easy (and there is still some gear). The upper portion is Rigolehto is however not dangerous and can be protected with modern rack (that includes small/micro nuts and micro cams).

As for Linnut, it is completely safe route with modern rack all the way. Except that fallin' from the 1st half might not be a good idea because of the tree behind. Then again, you can also sling the tree or if things get too dicey just chimney between the face and tree.
Martta Salmi3 years ago
1st half is difficult to protect with tricky moves for the grade. In the past it has been possible to use the tree for protection, but the tree is cut.

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Linnut, 5
Added by Rami Haakana
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