Houdini Assis Left, 8B
Added by Peter Lindmark
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Houdini Assis Left 8B. Third Ascent. Jocke Berglund
Ry Morrison over 9 years ago.
Houdini Assis Left. First Costa Rican Ascent
Ry Morrison over 9 years ago.
Fredrik Sydstrand about 10 years ago.

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Per Lindmark
Per Lindmark
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David Graham
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Sick compression problem on a big bloc on an Island in downtown stockholm! syked to boulder again!!!
Daniel Andersson
Red point
Super! Mer info och film på carlosanglar.blogspot.com
Anthony Gullsten
Red point
Wasn't sure if I'd be able to do it or not. Felt hard and I felt tired :) Figured out another method on the left because I can't toehook!
Ilari Kelloniemi
Red point
What a great problem suited me pretty good. Nice thoehooking. Original way harder for sure but not so comfortable :) 8A+ I think
Hannes Platon
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