Start with both hands on the lowest jug, feet at the bottom of the overhang. Climb straight up on good holds.
Start with hands on the lowest crimps, feet at the bottom of the overhang. The good holds out right (Gunsmoke 5+) are eliminated. Climb and mantle straight up.
Sit start, reach for the great hold up top and mantle straight up
Start on the lowest slopy side pulls, traverse to the top using only the crack for hands
Establish and go straight up
Starts inside the "cave", left hand on a sidepull and right hand on a good crimp. Move up to the top and mantle.
Sit start on the lowest part of the stone, traverse the arete to the top and mantle
Sit start on the lowest jug
2021 - Downgraded to 4 from 5 as more holds were uncovered due to Ghosts 'N Goblins being brushed
Sit start on the overhang from a left hand crimp/sidepull, right hand on a decent jug. Climb straight up on sharp crimps without using the right arete.
The low sit-start to Probotector, starts on the lowest jugs (same as RC Pro Am), the right arete is excluded
Sit start on the obvious jug (same as RC Pro Am 2), traverse to the right and mantle at the jugs
Lower start to Probotector, adds 2 hard moves.
Starts from a sidepull/undercling pocket with the right hand and a bad crimp for the left.
Move to the pinch with the left and then to the jug with the right, joining Probotector's start.
The right arete is excluded.