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Unendliche Geschichte, 8B+
Sit start.
Added by
Marko Kauko
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Mad Boulder almost 3 years ago.
Thomas Lindinger over 5 years ago.
Alex Khazanov over 9 years ago.
Ascents from public tick lists

Daniel Woods
Red point
river polish, 17 moves, ultimate power endurance line, 4 days of effort. such a classic boulder.

Paul Robinson
Red point
the epic is over. Scared to death at the top but kept it together. scarred for life is a good way of putting it. new projs errrryyywherrr. low end 8b+ could even be hard 8b though... unsure why no one has questioned this one...?
Carlo Traversi
Red point
It's moments like these where I realize how happy I am to be living the life that I want. Take nothing for granted...

Anthony Gullsten
Red point
Last day of our trip and also the first day in magic wood. I was really close to send this last year so now it felt really good to finally climb it! Such good moves!

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