Dreams of Infinity, 6b
800m, on the right of route called boomerang, you need to solo (III/IV) up to the first bolt, on a ledge below slab and pine trees, not easy to find. While it's bolted and you don't really need more than quickdraws, it's alpine in terms of grading and setting, on easier pitches you may end up running out up to 20-30 meters, but all the difficult bits are well bolted --> Thus genre "partially bolted" than Sport, though S2 implicates fairly well bolted sports route.
Added by Luca Onorevoli
Grade opinions
On fifth pitch there's a chance to get lost, there's a level un-protected traverse to left, if you go too far, you'll find a bolt and few pitons and then row of bolts + very difficult climbing. --> That's too far, go up to the groove maybe 10-15 meters before (look for bolts).
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Juho Risku
First pitch is not bolted - solo, easy, but solo, last two or three pitches something else than in topo. Clean ascent except on third VII pitch had to pull from quickdraw twice.