Jackpot, 7A+
Added by
Samuel Hammer
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Video beta
Henri Kelo @24:28
Aaro Asikainen 11 months ago.
With topout
Will Bergman over 1 year ago.
Eyes closed beta
Markku Laine over 1 year ago.
Ascents from public tick lists
Jarkko Kyllönen
Red point
Sami Saxell
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Samuel Hammer
Red point
Otto Lahti
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Public to-do list entries
Wide hands start, left hand to jug, right foot up, right hand to open hand crimp. Left hanf to jug, match feet, ry ght foot heel hook. right hand over, back fown, slopsloper , to jug, match left hand on good crimp . Right foot to sidr of shelf, left crocross to suport, left hand to best part of crimp on left. kick legs out, the right on foot hold on left, right hanf to left on sloper. eweight doen, dont lift left leg, matcjh hands. lift lefy foot, jam slightly, right foot middlr of bad holf left knee in and to the right , deqdpoint to left. right hanf on bettrr hold, left hand further, match feet, match hands, deadpoint to top.
Did the moves at the end of a session, fell twice from the last long move. Ran out of the juice :P
Hard, could try?