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El tendón de Aquiles, 7A+
Added by
Matthias Lang
Grade opinions
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Matthias Lang
Red point
V7; my first V7 in bernal and this one in my opinion is more like 7B, especially because of the strange top-out...sit-start on good holds, then match to a double-crimp at your right, move your foot up high on your start-hold and block up with your left to a tiny, sharp side-crimp, match and big move with your right to a good crimp, match and get prepared for the top-out: another good crimp for your left, move your feet to the right, then a kind of bad pocket for your right hand from where you continue to the lip, move your feet and match the bad sloppers at the lip...then a real fight to mantle up :)

Jonthan Mäki
Red point
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