Hookin Taikaa Sitstart, 7C
Start as Femme fatale. Finish as Huukin taikaa avoiding the edge on the left.
Added by
Mikael Uponen
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Jarkko Linkosuonio
Red point
Really cool and HARD dyno to slopper! One of my all time favourites for sure! Could be 8A?

Anthony Gullsten
Red point
Sami Saxell
Red point

Samuel Hammer
Red point
This time the real way? I'm not the biggest fan of eliminates but this is a classy one. Breaking all my personal codes for giving an eliminate two stars :D
Jarkko Pekkanen
Red point
Todella siisti! Myös itselle ensimmäinen 7c mikä parantaa fiilistä entisestään.
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Beta video: https://youtu.be/ZiZxgcNfkec
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