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Midtgardsormen, 6b
Named after a mythical monster that protects the human race from the outside world. Start under a left-facing series of flakes to the left of a vertically cracked wall.
Added by
Pauli M
Grade opinions
Ascents from public tick lists

Pauli M
Med J. P2 & P4. Lost the P3 lottery! Descent prolly possible via left hand side topping out Nubben. We did a gully down climb via the right (c. 100 m?). Probably not a good idea.

J Muotka
Mighty climbing - much recommended. Three great pitches stacked together with a finale of steep jamming with thrilling exposure.

Ville Marttila
Steep and juggy! Topped nubben from the left. Easy walking. Well protected and nice climb!

Leif Håvar Kvande
An excellent route that is very good protected and quite sustained and exposed on grade N6+/6b the 3 first lengths (ca 90 metres). Last easy traverse length till large grass ledge. From here you can walk down, but keep heading higher before traversing (climbers) right to the path from Nubben.

Ole Martin Eidjord
Well protected but a bit loose rocks some places. The climbing is hard and exposed.With Victor. Led pitch 1 and 3.
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