Niskalaukaus, 6C
Added by
Sampsa Aronen
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Niskalaukaus @ 03:08
Miikka Einsalo almost 3 years ago.
Top out right part, not using the left crack until the top of it
Trung Nguyen almost 3 years ago.
Jussi Luukkonen almost 5 years ago.
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Erik Vahtola
Red point

Lippo Järviö
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Tuukka Heikinheimo
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Mikko Rasimus
Red point

Jukka Kopra
Red point

Started from the lowest crimps, moving to shelf above and from there taking the crimp on the left arete. After that long move to the right slopey hold and from there straight up to two crimps and up.
So is that niskalaukaus or tyhjät kattilat kolisevat eniten or something between the two?
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