Totalt jävla mörker, 7A+
Definierad sittstart. Vänster hand på kanten, höger i bra sidtag nere till höger.
Added by Erik Nordfeldt
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Video beta
Mur Phy over 2 years ago.

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Fredrik Brännström
Fredrik Brännström
Red point
Erik Nordfeldt
Erik Nordfeldt
Red point
Totalt mörker över skogen när denna gjordes. Kanske hårdare.
Mur Phy
Red point
Awesome moves on shitty holds. 10/10! Felt much harder than all the 7a+ I have climbed before. The left hand start position was a little bit unclear to me.I had my hand on the sloperkant far out to the left, sitting half way on the sloped stone. For any other start position I do not see the reason to have a "definerad" sittstart. I also went up the arete all the way. It might be possible to topout earlier, but I did not find a way. That's why my beta-video should be taken with a grain of salt.