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Nordøstpillaren, 6b
FA Tommy Nilsson, Gudmund Soderin 1980
Added by Joni Kallio
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Joni Kallio
With Jasmin. Felt harder and clearly more serious than Vestveggen. Bold in places. Partly wet even there's no snow at the top and after a few sunny days. Take plenty of small nuts and cams.
Lauri Hilander
Team free with Nikke D. Beautifull but serious, sustained and hard outing. Seriously sandbagged bottom to top and at places poorly protected with significant fall potential and runouts. Treat all 4s as 5s, all 5s as 6-, second 6 as 6+. Bring 0.1, offset 0.1/0.2 and 0.2/0.3, triple 0.2-0.4 and standard doubles. Second hard pitch is propably one of the cooles slabs in norther Norway, climbing on dice size knobs of quartzite for 50 meters.

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