Vårkåt, 6c+
(Spring Lust) A steep and powerful route tackling the superb crack system splitting the big rounded pillar overlooking Geitvika. The line is unmistakable, tackling the prominent line of cracks and grooves. The whole line has been thoroughly cleaned so there is little change to getting lost. Bring PLENTY of cams! FA. Odd-Roar Wiik, Niels Paulsen, Truls Seines (some aid) 1994. FFA. Odd-Roar Wiik, Patrik Fransson 1995.
Added by
Matthias Lang
Grade opinions
Ascents from public tick lists

Matthias Lang
6c+/135m/4 pitches (6b+/6b/6c+/4) -- hard & sustained climbing up the steep Jonfru Pillaren... climbed it with Tom & Niki on a real windy day: i led pitch 1 (piaz, finger crack & traverse), Niki pitch 2 (groove, off-width, overhang & hand-jams, probably 7a) & Tom pitch 3 (slab with fine cracks & a super-steep handcrack at the end)...pitch 4 is easy, but we were really distroyed on the top :)

Jussi Salojärvi

Johan Hasslow
4 repl (7-, 6+, 7, 5-) Onsight p1 och p2. Åkte av på den slopiga urtoppningen efter den branta sprickan på pitch 3, tar ett 6c-tick för 7--repan. Jag tycker att p1 och p2 var ungefär lika hårda. Fantastisk led, handjam.

Petteri Nurminen
Red point
Lead: P 1,2. Fell once at the p2 off-width crux. Hard route for the grade.

Johan Hvenmark
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