Start with hands in each crack, climb straight up. The large rock in the center of the crack is eliminated as it's possibly loose.
Start on the two holds below the large rock in the center of the crack and climb straight up. The rock in the center of the crack is eliminated as it's possibly loose.
Same start as Habanero, but follow the arete to the left.
Start on the obvious rail, climb straight up.
Start with both hands on the arete, climb straight up on decent crimps. The right flake by the start is eliminated as it's loose.
Start from the rightmost part of the middle ledge, traverse left and then up into the upper crack. Top out at the center of the crack.
Start with left hand on the arete, right hand on the slopy lip. Traverse right and mantle straight up, do not round the corner.
Standing start from the large edge
Standing start from two crimps, climb the face side | FA: Ivan Söderholm
Standing start at the arete with the right hand on the sidepull crimp