Eärendel Fingerson9 years ago
All the routes were led by Vessa Kauto, Teppo Saarenpää - long time ago (97 and 98) The others were done by Toby Archer and Jody Wren. I can't remember who did which first. the grades are our guesses, so don't take them as gospel. The only way to know is to find the mountainshop topo.
Juri Matinheikki9 years ago
Thanks for the information! I have read some old pulteri discussion from Slouppi's archive (dating back to early 2000s) which was initiated by Toby and he gave some route information based on the mountainshop topo and from which the older routes here are taken from (I think?).

However I did not find description for this route from that discussion and decided to add it here as "new". But since it is so obvious line, it must have been climbed back then as well.

In any case, cleaning "new" lines in Tussinkoski seems to be bit like moving in the grey area. I contacted Vantaa Ympäristökeskus concerning the issue which directed me submit an official application to another bureau (Yrityspalveluyksikkö, WTF?), but nothing seems to happen during the summer time.

Need to push things forward in the fall in order to gain better legitimacy to climb and clean lines in Tussari since it is quite unique place!
Mika Oksanen3 years ago
Really really easy to get rope jammed at the crack when lowering the climber from anchor. Better to rappel down!
Risto Takala1 year ago
We managed to jam our rope this week. Rappel recommended, rope got scratched badly. 😔

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Makiaa Kakkua, 6a
Added by Juri Matinheikki
Grade opinions
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Alussa ei ihan kaikki otteet olleet käyttökelpoisia (oli märkiä). Yksi kahva oli muuttunut lammikoksi :D mutta vasen reuna toimi silti.
Elina H. 6 months ago.

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Ascents from public tick lists

Juri Matinheikki
Red point
Climbed this one on Mother's Day 2015. Possibly climbed before. Please info if someone knows about the original FA and name.
Ville Jussila
Ville Jussila
Markus Talvenmäki
Pauli Sivula
Lasse Immonen
Daniel Settipani
Red point
Nice climb for the grade!

Public to-do list entries