UNLOCK Usminkallio Premium

UNLOCK Usminkallio Premium

With Usminkallio Premium you get:

  • 12 climbing routes with detailed descriptions
  • 10 high quality topo images
  • 1 sectors with extra details
  • Unlimited access to all the other 3960 Premium crags around the world
  • Offline mode: Use topos even when there's no Internet connection
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Climbing has been limited!


HUOM! Kalliolle ei saa kulkea Usmintien kautta! Tie on yksityiskäytössä, parkkimahdollisuutta ei ole ja reitti menisi ihan pihojen vierestä.
Lisäksi kallio on kiipeilykiellossa 1.helmikuuta -30.kesäkuuta, sillä kalliolla pesii huuhkaja.


ATTENTION! Do not go to the cliff via Usmintie. The road is a private road, there is not parking places and the road goes really close to the houses.
In addition, there is a eagle-owl nesting in the cliff. Do not climb here from February to June. Open for climbing again at the July.

From Helsinki-Tampere road (130) turn east on "Pöölintie". Turn immediately right on an unnamed road, which follows the river and goes under the highway. On the other side of the highway, turn right and park your car so that it doesn't block the road.

Take the road heading north from the parking lot, follow it for about 200 m. At the crossroads, the 'Seitsemän veljestä'-hiking trail starts. Follow the path marked with blue signs. When you arrive at the end of a dirt road, take the path to the left, still following the blue signs. On the left side is a hill. When the hiking trail starts to turn right, away of the hill, take a small path leading to the cliff. The path goes down to the gorge and left, straight to the climbing sector. The walk from the parking lot is about 20 min.