Z23-5 Kensho, 7C
Start with two hands on the obvious ledge. Go right and straight up through a crack to a slopy top out.
FA by Vin.
Added by
Wan Jutaporn
Grade opinions
Video beta
Kensho V9
Wan Jutaporn about 1 year ago.
king line of Zen Garden
Sont Asavahame about 2 years ago.
Vin FA Kensho V9
Wan Jutaporn about 3 years ago.
Ascents from public tick lists

San Saelek
Red point

Adisal Tjung
Red point
Possibly the best hard line of Khon Kaen as of this ascent. Technical, powerful, complex, with hard topout. Prepare a pad island for the top out.

Shannon Xyrus
Red point
one of the best in the sector. finding holds on the top out is the real crux

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