
Yearly top 10 averages
7C+ 0 0 0
7C 2 0 2
7B+ 2 0 2
7B 12 0 12
7A+ 17 0 17
7A 25 0 25
6C+ 26 2 24
6C 21 3 18
6B+ 19 5 14
6B 22 5 17
6A+ 21 7 14
6A 19 11 8
5+ 11 7 4
5 7 5 2
4+ 0 0 0
4 2 1 1
3+ 0 0 0
3 2 2 0
Route Grade Crag Type Ascent date Ascent type
Huge-O ss
7A Boulder at Fruberget
7a Fruberget Boulder 2024-06-29
Red point
Red point
Bosma sit
7A+ Boulder at Fruberget
Bathang start
7a+ Fruberget Boulder 2024-06-27
Red point
Red point
6C+ Boulder at Fruberget
6c+ Fruberget Boulder 2024-06-27
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Fruberget
6c Fruberget Boulder 2024-06-27
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at Fruberget
6b Fruberget Boulder 2024-06-27
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at Bonkers
6b Bonkers Boulder 2024-06-26
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Bonkers
7a Bonkers Boulder 2024-06-26
Red point
Red point
Freak Eater (with a demon voice)
7A Boulder at Bonkers
7a Bonkers Boulder 2024-06-26
Red point
Red point
Rigor Mortis SDS
7A Boulder at Bonkers
7a Bonkers Boulder 2024-06-26
Red point
Red point
Gekko Gun
6C Boulder at Bonkers
6c Bonkers Boulder 2024-06-26
Red point
Red point
6A+ Boulder at Bonkers
6a+ Bonkers Boulder 2024-06-26
Small Cat
6B Boulder at Fruberget
6b Fruberget Boulder 2024-06-25
Strong Cat
6B Boulder at Fruberget
6b Fruberget Boulder 2024-06-25
7A Boulder at Fruberget
7a Fruberget Boulder 2024-06-25
Red point
Red point
6A+ Boulder at Fruberget
6a+ Fruberget Boulder 2024-06-25
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Lysingsbadet
7a Lysingsbadet Boulder 2024-06-24
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Lysingsbadet
7a Lysingsbadet Boulder 2024-06-24
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Vo Västervik
7a Vo Västervik Boulder 2024-06-24
Red point
Red point
MUVO stå
5 Boulder at Vo Västervik
5 Vo Västervik Boulder 2024-06-24
6B+ Boulder at Vo Västervik
6b+ Vo Västervik Boulder 2024-06-24
Red point
Red point
Karlssons Aréte
6C+ Boulder at Ålsten
6c+ Ålsten Boulder 2024-06-21
Red point
Red point
Lite kraft (ss)
6B Boulder at Ålsten
6b Ålsten Boulder 2024-06-20
Red point
Red point
Feta Sprickan
6A Boulder at Ålsten
6a Ålsten Boulder 2024-06-20
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at 모락산 계원예대
6b 모락산 계원예대 Boulder 2024-04-05
Red point
Red point
CP57-1 Le Tigre
6B+ Boulder at Central Park
6b+ Central Park Boulder 2024-02-18
CP58-5 Ming ming
6B+ Boulder at Central Park
Harder than snacko traverse IMO
6b+ Central Park Boulder 2024-02-18
Red point
Red point
CP58-6 Snakco Traverse
6C+ Boulder at Central Park
6c+ Central Park Boulder 2024-02-18
Red point
Red point
CP20-1 Sabadilla left
6B+ Boulder at Central Park
6b+ Central Park Boulder 2024-02-17
Red point
Red point
CP23-1 Pick of the week
6C+ Boulder at Central Park
Worst top out
6c+ Central Park Boulder 2024-02-17
Red point
Red point
CP23-2 Mix and match
6C+ Boulder at Central Park
6c+ Central Park Boulder 2024-02-17
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Central Park
Horrific Congo line of red ants at top out
6b+ Central Park Boulder 2024-02-17
Red point
Red point
Slug fingers
6B+ Boulder at Power Station North
6b+ Power Station North Boulder 2024-02-16
Red point
Red point
Fish Head Soup
6B Boulder at Power Station North
6b Power Station North Boulder 2024-02-16
6A+ Boulder at Central Park
6a+ Central Park Boulder 2024-02-13
Red point
Red point
6C+ Boulder at Central Park
6c+ Central Park Boulder 2024-02-13
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Central Park
6b+ Central Park Boulder 2024-02-13
7B Boulder at Power Station North
7b Power Station North Boulder 2024-02-12
Red point
Red point
1, Flake
6A Boulder at Power Station North
6a Power Station North Boulder 2024-02-12
Slide Away
4 Boulder at Zen Garden
So many attempts…
4 Zen Garden Boulder 2024-02-11
Red point
Red point
Z23-11 Master Hipsin
7A+ Boulder at Zen Garden
7a+ Zen Garden Boulder 2024-02-11
Red point
Red point
Z23-18 Ninja Mantis Combine
6A Boulder at Zen Garden
6a Zen Garden Boulder 2024-02-11
Petite Papillon Brun
7A Boulder at Power Station North
High foot beta
7a Power Station North Boulder 2023-01-29
Red point
Red point
Malibu stacey
7B+ Boulder at Power Station North
7b+ Power Station North Boulder 2023-01-29
Red point
Red point
Malibu stacey
7B+ Boulder at Power Station North
7b+ Power Station North Boulder 2023-01-29
Red point
Red point
Pussy Diff
6B+ Boulder at Central Park
Harder than the V5 if you don’t use the V5 hold
6b+ Central Park Boulder 2023-01-28
Red point
Red point
Sans Diff
6C+ Boulder at Central Park
6c+ Central Park Boulder 2023-01-28
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Central Park
6a Central Park Boulder 2023-01-28
Chackie's nightmare seat
6C+ Boulder at Power Station North
Had to cut feet to match jug because I am 156cm. Hard for me!
7a (6c+) Power Station North Boulder 2023-01-28
Red point
Red point
Don’t Snap The neck
6C+ Boulder at Power Station North
6c+ Power Station North Boulder 2023-01-27
Red point
Red point
Press Up
6B Boulder at Power Station North
6b Power Station North Boulder 2023-01-27
Red point
Red point
Deep blue sea right
7A Boulder at Power Station North
7a Power Station North Boulder 2023-01-25
Red point
Red point
Cpt Hook doesn't Cook
6C+ Boulder at Power Station North
Downclimb is off a tree
6c+ Power Station North Boulder 2023-01-25
Red point
Red point
Z21-15 Path to Religion
7A+ Boulder at Zen Garden
Not bringing a chalk bag is key
7a+ Zen Garden Boulder 2023-01-25
Red point
Red point
CP30-5 JACK and ROSE
7B Boulder at Central Park
Like a moonboard problem
7b Central Park Boulder 2023-01-24
Red point
Red point
CP63-1 Ant rider
7B Boulder at Central Park
7b Central Park Boulder 2023-01-24
Red point
Red point
Ant Riders sit
6C+ Boulder at Central Park
6c+ Central Park Boulder 2023-01-24
Red point
Red point
CP54-5 Oh honey
6C+ Boulder at Central Park
6c+ Central Park Boulder 2023-01-24
Red point
Red point
CP54-6 JV loves BJ
6A Boulder at Central Park
6a Central Park Boulder 2023-01-24
Red point
Red point
Z17-6 Bad Rat
6B Boulder at Zen Garden
Start is crux
6b Zen Garden Boulder 2023-01-22
Red point
Red point
Z17-5 Rat Rail
6A+ Boulder at Zen Garden
6a+ Zen Garden Boulder 2023-01-22
Z18-5 Pot Sticker
6A Boulder at Zen Garden
6a Zen Garden Boulder 2023-01-22
Red point
Red point
Z18-4 Knives and Forks
6A Boulder at Zen Garden
6a Zen Garden Boulder 2023-01-22
Z14-14 Heart of the Beast
7A+ Boulder at Zen Garden
7a+ Zen Garden Boulder 2023-01-22
Red point
Red point
Z20-5 First Life
6C+ Boulder at Zen Garden
Scary end knee scum
6c+ Zen Garden Boulder 2023-01-22
Z20-1 The Beginning
6C+ Boulder at Zen Garden
6c+ Zen Garden Boulder 2023-01-22
Z20-2 Creture
6A Boulder at Zen Garden
6a Zen Garden Boulder 2023-01-22
Z21-16 Religion
6C+ Boulder at Zen Garden
6c+ Zen Garden Boulder 2023-01-21
Red point
Red point
Z21-14 Buddha Everywhere
6B+ Boulder at Zen Garden
6b+ Zen Garden Boulder 2023-01-21
Z25-8 Ray of Light
6C Boulder at Zen Garden
6c Zen Garden Boulder 2023-01-21
Z23-19 Ninja trap
6B+ Boulder at Zen Garden
Too many rules
6b+ Zen Garden Boulder 2023-01-21
Z23-17 Mantis Might
6C+ Boulder at Zen Garden
6c+ Zen Garden Boulder 2023-01-21
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Zen Garden
6c Zen Garden Boulder 2023-01-21
Z21-2 Peel Off
6C+ Boulder at Zen Garden
Top out is desperate
6c+ Zen Garden Boulder 2023-01-21
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Shek O
Terrible for my shoulder
7a+ (7a) Shek O Boulder 2022-12-01
Red point
Red point
모비딕 Left
6A+ Boulder at 모락산 계원예대
6a+ 모락산 계원예대 Boulder 2022-10-23
6B Boulder at 모락산 계원예대
6b 모락산 계원예대 Boulder 2022-10-22
6A Boulder at 모락산 계원예대
6a 모락산 계원예대 Boulder 2022-10-22
Last crong
6B+ Boulder at 모락산 계원예대
6b+ 모락산 계원예대 Boulder 2022-10-22
Red point
Red point
One Shot One Kill
6B+ Boulder at 감자볼더
6b+ 감자볼더 Boulder 2022-10-20
Red point
Red point
Couch potato
6C Boulder at 감자볼더
6c 감자볼더 Boulder 2022-10-20
Red point
Red point
Frightening guy(무서운 놈)
6C Boulder at 감자볼더
6c 감자볼더 Boulder 2022-10-20
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at 감자볼더
6b+ 감자볼더 Boulder 2022-10-20
Baby Step
5+ Boulder at 감자볼더
5+ 감자볼더 Boulder 2022-10-20
Under Lock
7A+ Boulder at Lion Rock Bloc
7a+ Lion Rock Bloc Boulder 2022-10-16
Red point
Red point
In Vein
6A Boulder at The Otherside
6a The Otherside Boulder 2022-10-16
Beast Maker (sds)
7B Boulder at The Otherside
Dislocated my left wrist at the side pull. But held it together for the send 😂
7b The Otherside Boulder 2022-10-16
Red point
Red point
The Black Corsair
7B Boulder at Pirate Bay
7b Pirate Bay Boulder 2022-02-09
Red point
Red point
Pirate Bay Extension (sds)
6A+ Boulder at Pirate Bay
6a+ Pirate Bay Boulder 2022-02-09
Red point
Red point
Dirty slapper
6B+ Boulder at Ha Fa Shan
Many attempts
6b+ Ha Fa Shan Boulder 2022-02-07
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at Ha Fa Shan
6b Ha Fa Shan Boulder 2022-02-07
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Colins Boulders
6c Colins Boulders Boulder 2022-01-27
Red point
Red point
Destructive Tendancies (sds)
6C+ Boulder at Chung Hom Kok
7a+ (6c+) Chung Hom Kok Boulder 2022-01-16
Red point
Red point
Chief slapper (sds)
7B Boulder at Ha Fa Shan
7b Ha Fa Shan Boulder 2021-12-27
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Colins Boulders
7c Colins Boulders Boulder 2021-12-23
Red point
Red point
Painful Birth
7B Boulder at Chung Hom Kok
7b Chung Hom Kok Boulder 2021-12-08
Red point
Red point
La Rose et le Bamboo
7B Boulder at Radar Rocks
Too weak to rose move
7b Radar Rocks Boulder 2021-12-04
Red point
Red point
Haruka (sds)
7A+ Boulder at Radar Rocks
7a+ Radar Rocks Boulder 2021-12-04
Red point
Red point
Noise indirect
7A Boulder at Ha Fa Shan
7a Ha Fa Shan Boulder 2021-12-04
Red point
Red point
M’as Tu Oublie (sds)
7A+ Boulder at Shek O
7a+ Shek O Boulder 2021-12-04
Red point
Red point
Heel Deal
6A+ Boulder at Shek O
6a+ Shek O Boulder 2021-12-04
Saik Surfing(sds)
6A Boulder at Shek O
6a Shek O Boulder 2021-12-04
La Dalle a Jeje
6B+ Boulder at Shek O
6b+ Shek O Boulder 2021-12-04
Red point
Red point
Silent Day
7B Boulder at Shek O
7b Shek O Boulder 2021-12-04
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Chung Hom Kok
7a Chung Hom Kok Boulder 2021-12-04
Red point
Red point
Roaring (sds)
7A+ Boulder at Roadside Bloc
7a+ Roadside Bloc Boulder 2021-10-27
Red point
Red point
Heart of Glass
6C+ Boulder at Roadside Bloc
6c+ Roadside Bloc Boulder 2021-10-13
Red point
Red point
Roadside (sds)
6C+ Boulder at Roadside Bloc
6c+ Roadside Bloc Boulder 2021-10-13
Red point
Red point
7B Boulder at Roadside Bloc
before the break
7b Roadside Bloc Boulder 2021-10-13
Red point
Red point
The Wave (sds)
6C+ Boulder at Silver Bay Blocs
6c+ Silver Bay Blocs Boulder 2021-10-12
Red point
Red point
Rock on Road
7C Boulder at Chung Hom Kok
7b+ (7c) Chung Hom Kok Boulder 2021-10-04
Red point
Red point
Stretcher Direct
7A Boulder at Lin Fa Shan
7a+ (7a) Lin Fa Shan Boulder 2020-12-27
Red point
Red point
High Silver
7A+ Boulder at Radar Rocks
7a+ Radar Rocks Boulder 2020-12-26
Red point
Red point
Predator (sds)
7B Boulder at Chung Hom Kok
7b+ (7b) Chung Hom Kok Boulder 2020-12-15
Red point
Red point
Ritchies Rib (sds)
7A Boulder at Lin Fa Shan
7a+ (7a) Lin Fa Shan Boulder 2020-12-14
Red point
Red point
The Full Monty (sds)
7A+ Boulder at Lin Fa Shan
7b (7a+) Lin Fa Shan Boulder 2020-12-14
Red point
Red point
Over Stretched
6C Boulder at Lin Fa Shan
6c+ (6c) Lin Fa Shan Boulder 2020-12-14
Red point
Red point
Diamond Eye(sds)
7A Boulder at Radar Rocks
7a+ (7a) Radar Rocks Boulder 2020-12-08
Red point
Red point
Dislocator (sds)
7A+ Boulder at Lin Fa Shan
7a+ Lin Fa Shan Boulder 2020-12-08
Red point
Red point
Burned (sds)
7A Boulder at Lin Fa Shan
7a+ (7a) Lin Fa Shan Boulder 2020-12-08
Red point
Red point
Gai Jin (sds)
7B Boulder at Colins Boulders
7b+ (7b) Colins Boulders Boulder 2020-12-05
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Colins Boulders
7b (7a) Colins Boulders Boulder 2020-12-05
Red point
Red point
7A+ Boulder at Colins Boulders
7a+ Colins Boulders Boulder 2020-11-28
Red point
Red point
Mango Power
6C Boulder at Colins Boulders
6c+ (6c) Colins Boulders Boulder 2020-11-28
Slope Direct(sds)
7A+ Boulder at Ha Fa Shan
7b (7a+) Ha Fa Shan Boulder 2020-11-21
Red point
Red point
Twelve Monkeys (sds)
6A+ Boulder at Ha Fa Shan
6b+ (6a+) Ha Fa Shan Boulder 2020-11-21
Red point
Red point
Fairy Steps
6A+ Boulder at Chung Hom Kok
6a+ Chung Hom Kok Boulder 2020-11-08
6C+ Boulder at Chung Hom Kok
7a+ (6c+) Chung Hom Kok Boulder 2020-11-08
Red point
Red point
Mojo Rising (sds)
6C Boulder at Colins Boulders
6c+ (6c) Colins Boulders Boulder 2020-11-07
Red point
Red point
Cellar Dwellar(sds)
6B+ Boulder at Shek O
foot jam
6c+ (6b+) Shek O Boulder 2020-11-05
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Radar Rocks
7a+ (7a) Radar Rocks Boulder 2020-10-30
Red point
Red point
Jaws (sds)
7A+ Boulder at Colins Boulders
7b (7a+) Colins Boulders Boulder 2020-10-21
Red point
Red point
Trainspotting (sds)
7A Boulder at Colins Boulders
7a+ (7a) Colins Boulders Boulder 2020-10-18
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Chung Hom Kok
7a+ (6c) Chung Hom Kok Boulder 2020-10-03
Red point
Red point
Suart's Unimpressive Monochrome Nightmare Roof (sds)
6C Boulder at Colins Boulders
6c+ (6c) Colins Boulders Boulder 2020-10-02
Red point
Red point
Haunted House
6B Boulder at Colins Boulders
6b Colins Boulders Boulder 2020-10-02
Red point
Red point
The Stretcher
6C Boulder at Lin Fa Shan
6c Lin Fa Shan Boulder 2020-10-02
Red point
Red point
7A+ Boulder at Chung Hom Kok
7a+ Chung Hom Kok Boulder 2020-10-01
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Chung Hom Kok
very wrist intensive
7a+ (7a) Chung Hom Kok Boulder 2020-10-01
Red point
Red point
Death Metal
6A+ Boulder at Chung Hom Kok
new stand start
6a+ Chung Hom Kok Boulder 2020-10-01
Red point
Red point
Beach of peace
6A+ Boulder at Chung Hom Kok
6a+ Chung Hom Kok Boulder 2020-10-01
Red point
Red point
Geoffs arete
6A+ Boulder at Chung Hom Kok
6a+ Chung Hom Kok Boulder 2020-10-01
Red point
Red point
Mistress of the Universe (sds)
6C+ Boulder at Chung Hom Kok
7a+ (6c+) Chung Hom Kok Boulder 2020-10-01
Red point
Red point
Masters of the Universe (sds)
6A+ Boulder at Chung Hom Kok
6a+ Chung Hom Kok Boulder 2020-10-01
Red point
Red point
Obe Wan Extension(sds)
7A+ Boulder at Ha Fa Shan
7a+ Ha Fa Shan Boulder 2020-09-27
Red point
Red point
Obe Wan
7A Boulder at Ha Fa Shan
7a Ha Fa Shan Boulder 2020-09-27
Red point
Red point
The Wave #3.
6B+ Boulder at Chung Hom Kok
6b+ Chung Hom Kok Boulder 2020-09-26
Red point
Red point
Little Women(sds)
7A Boulder at Ha Fa Shan
7a+ (7a) Ha Fa Shan Boulder 2020-09-25
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Ha Fa Shan
7a Ha Fa Shan Boulder 2020-09-22
Red point
Red point
U Four(sds)
6C Boulder at Ha Fa Shan
6c Ha Fa Shan Boulder 2020-09-22
Red point
Red point
I Love Andy Lau(sds)
6A Boulder at Shek O
6a Shek O Boulder 2020-09-16
Red point
Red point
Enigma left
6C Boulder at Shek O
6c Shek O Boulder 2020-09-16
Red point
Red point
Jap Girls Don't Date Lepers(sds)
6C Boulder at Shek O
6c Shek O Boulder 2020-09-16
Red point
Red point
Little White Lies (sds)
6C Boulder at Shek O
6c Shek O Boulder 2020-09-16
Red point
Red point
Angels Traverse(sds)
6C Boulder at Ha Fa Shan
6c Ha Fa Shan Boulder 2020-09-13
Red point
Red point
Air Jet(sds)
6B Boulder at Ha Fa Shan
6b Ha Fa Shan Boulder 2020-09-13
Red point
Red point
Jon’s Traverse
6B Boulder at Ha Fa Shan
6b Ha Fa Shan Boulder 2020-09-06
Red point
Red point
The Rib
5 Boulder at Ha Fa Shan
5 Ha Fa Shan Boulder 2020-09-06
High Street(sds)
6A+ Boulder at Shek O
6a+ Shek O Boulder 2020-08-28
Red point
Red point
Low Rider(sds)
6C Boulder at Shek O
6c Shek O Boulder 2020-08-28
Red point
Red point
5 Cheung Sha Beach Boulders Boulder 2020-07-20
Sandy Toes sds
6a Cheung Sha Beach Boulders Boulder 2020-07-19
Red point
Red point
Twin Biceps
6a Cheung Sha Beach Boulders Boulder 2020-07-19
Red point
Red point
Under wonder
5+ Cheung Sha Beach Boulders Boulder 2020-07-19
Pump it sds
6a Cheung Sha Beach Boulders Boulder 2020-07-19
Red point
Red point
Kung Hei Fat Boy
7A+ Boulder at Shek O
so fun. much wow . Shorty beta is quite different.
7a+ Shek O Boulder 2020-04-29
Red point
Red point
6A+ Boulder at Shek O
4 year project 🤣
6a+ Shek O Boulder 2020-02-23
Red point
Red point
The Black Bitch
6A+ Boulder at Kraft Boulders
6b+ (6a+) Kraft Boulders Boulder 2020-01-28
Red point
Red point
The Pearl
6C+ Boulder at Kraft Boulders
6c+ Kraft Boulders Boulder 2020-01-28
Red point
Red point
6C+ Boulder at Kraft Boulders
6c+ Kraft Boulders Boulder 2020-01-28
Red point
Red point
5 Boulder at Ha Fa Shan
5 Ha Fa Shan Boulder 2020-01-05
Red point
Red point
V5 (sds)
6C Boulder at Ha Fa Shan
6c Ha Fa Shan Boulder 2020-01-05
Red point
Red point
The Tip Off(sds)
6A Boulder at Ha Fa Shan
6a Ha Fa Shan Boulder 2020-01-05
Dave's Traverse (sds)
6C+ Boulder at Ha Fa Shan
6c+ Ha Fa Shan Boulder 2020-01-01
Red point
Red point
Dave’s Traverse (sds)
7A Boulder at Ha Fa Shan
7a Ha Fa Shan Boulder 2020-01-01
Red point
Red point
Nipple Grazer
6B Boulder at Ha Fa Shan
6b Ha Fa Shan Boulder 2020-01-01
Red point
Red point
Sick Puppy (sds)
6B Boulder at Ha Fa Shan
6b Ha Fa Shan Boulder 2019-12-07
Red point
Red point
The Black Streak
6A+ Boulder at Ha Fa Shan
6a+ Ha Fa Shan Boulder 2019-12-07
Nose Direct
5+ Boulder at Ha Fa Shan
5+ Ha Fa Shan Boulder 2019-12-07
5+ Boulder at Ha Fa Shan
5+ Ha Fa Shan Boulder 2019-12-07
Red point
Red point
School arete (sds)
6A Boulder at Lin Fa Shan
6a Lin Fa Shan Boulder 2019-11-23
Red point
Red point
Ritchies Rib
5+ Boulder at Lin Fa Shan
5+ Lin Fa Shan Boulder 2019-11-23
6B+ Boulder at Colins Boulders
6b+ Colins Boulders Boulder 2019-11-10
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Colins Boulders
6a Colins Boulders Boulder 2019-11-09
Sparkies Amazing Technicolour Dream Roof (sds)
6C Boulder at Colins Boulders
6c Colins Boulders Boulder 2019-11-09
Red point
Red point
Underworld (sds)
6B Boulder at Colins Boulders
6b Colins Boulders Boulder 2019-10-29
Red point
Red point
Moulin Rouge (sds)
5+ Boulder at Colins Boulders
5+ Colins Boulders Boulder 2019-10-29
Blockbuster V2
6A Boulder at Shek O
6a Shek O Boulder 2019-10-20
Blockbuster Direct (sds) V3
6A+ Boulder at Shek O
6a+ Shek O Boulder 2019-10-20
6A+ Boulder at Chung Hom Kok
6a+ Chung Hom Kok Boulder 2019-10-16
Red point
Red point
Slap Happy
6B Boulder at Radar Rocks
6b Radar Rocks Boulder 2018-02-04
Red point
Red point
Jacobs Ladder
6A+ Boulder at Radar Rocks
6a+ Radar Rocks Boulder 2018-02-04
Red point
Red point
5+ Boulder at Radar Rocks
5+ Radar Rocks Boulder 2018-02-04
Red point
Red point
3 Boulder at Radar Rocks
3 Radar Rocks Boulder 2018-02-04
Diamond Eye
6B Boulder at Radar Rocks
6b Radar Rocks Boulder 2018-02-04
Red point
Red point
There is no spoon(sds)
5 Boulder at Radar Rocks
5 Radar Rocks Boulder 2018-02-04
5 Boulder at Nabi Bawi
5 Nabi Bawi Boulder 2017-12-03
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at Nabi Bawi
6b Nabi Bawi Boulder 2017-12-03
Wall Direct
5+ Boulder at Lin Fa Shan
5+ Lin Fa Shan Boulder 2017-11-11
Red point
Red point
Pebble Wall
5+ Boulder at Lin Fa Shan
5+ Lin Fa Shan Boulder 2017-11-11
School Arete
4 Boulder at Lin Fa Shan
4 Lin Fa Shan Boulder 2017-11-11
Stretcher Variant
6B Boulder at Lin Fa Shan
use girl beta
6b Lin Fa Shan Boulder 2017-11-11
Red point
Red point
3 Boulder at Ha Fa Shan
3 Ha Fa Shan Boulder 2017-02-12
No Name (Right side to North of America)
6B+ Boulder at Ha Fa Shan
6b+ Ha Fa Shan Boulder 2017-02-12
Red point
Red point
North of America (sds)
6B Boulder at Ha Fa Shan
6b Ha Fa Shan Boulder 2017-02-12
Red point
Red point
5+ Boulder at Ha Fa Shan
5+ Ha Fa Shan Boulder 2017-02-12
Red point
Red point
Short and Sweet
5+ Boulder at Shek O
5+ Shek O Boulder 2017-02-04
The Traverse.
5 Boulder at Shek O
5 Shek O Boulder 2017-02-04
Angels Delight(sds)
6A+ Boulder at Shek O
6a+ Shek O Boulder 2017-02-04
Red point
Red point