
Yearly top 10 averages
8c+ 0 0 0 0 0
8c 3 0 0 3 0
8b+ 4 0 0 4 0
8b 2 0 0 2 0
8a+ 1 0 0 1 0
8a 0 0 0 0 0
7c+ 0 0 0 0 0
Route Grade Crag Type Ascent date Ascent type
The Dagger Sit Start
8B+ Boulder at Cresciano
Adds 4 moves with my BETA to the standing start of the classic ''the dagger'' from the right side. Painful heel-toe clamp on the right to start, otherwise very cool, but IMO the line from the stand, respectively TSO2W is more logical and much better
8b+ Cresciano Boulder 2019-11-09
Red point
Red point
La Grosse Tarlouze
8C Boulder at Magic Wood
It was probably my biggest fight I ever had to climb a boulder. It was a fight against the massive pump, due to the length of more than 40 moves, as well as a fight with the icy cold temps which were difficult to handle. I'm overjoyed that I was able to make the 3rd ascent.
8c Magic Wood Boulder 2019-11-08
Red point
Red point
New Base Line
8B+ Boulder at Magic Wood
just supper happy to have done the next dreamline, Bernd Zangerl's masterpiece in just a few sessions. great respect for his vision and FA
8b+ Magic Wood Boulder 2019-10-17
Red point
Red point
Ill Thrill
8B+ Boulder at Magic Wood
one of the best boulders for sure. not the best looking boulder in the forest but unique and great moves at his finest.
8b+ Magic Wood Boulder 2019-10-13
Red point
Red point
El Vecchio Capa
8A+ Boulder at Magic Wood
nice extension to the hydromancer. more like 8B IMO
8b (8a+) Magic Wood Boulder 2019-07-28
Red point
Red point
8B Boulder at Magic Wood
Optically in my eyes not the most beautiful line, but the boulder actually climbs very well and the moves are unique and simply great. But the real challenge for me has just begun, with the first attempts from the deeper start into it -> I'll trill
8b Magic Wood Boulder 2019-06-13
Red point
Red point
Practice of the wild
8C Boulder at Magic Wood
8B+/8C. This one means a lot to me. For a long time a big dream to climb Chris Sharma's Boulder. In my eyes on of the best boulder problem on earth. I don't have the words. Simply grateful and overjoyed that it worked:)
8c Magic Wood Boulder 2019-05-23
Red point
Red point
8B Boulder at Magic Wood
right exit to practice of the wild. approx. 8B/B+
8b Magic Wood Boulder 2019-05-16
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Unendliche Geschichte
8B+ Boulder at Magic Wood
Happy to have climbed another dream line. FA by Chris Sharma 2003. Hard Work pays off sooner or later.
8b+ Magic Wood Boulder 2019-04-23
Red point
Red point
The Story of 2 Worlds
8C Boulder at Cresciano
My dream was to climb the classic Dave Graham boulder at least since I've been climbing the dagger back in February 2018. After a few month of projecting and challenging myself, the dream came true. The joy and satisfaction was even greater because my friend Leon was allowed to celebrate his well deserved sent in the same session. What an epic send train! Chapeau!
8c Cresciano Boulder 2019-04-02
Red point
Red point