Griffin Jacobs
has visited and listed 1 crag
- Griffin Jacobs • 1 year agoupdated his or her to-do list- Cock the Trigger 6b+
- Geronimo 5+
- Red Cloud 6a
- Billy the Kid 6b+
... - Griffin Jacobs • 1 year agoupdated his or her to-do list- Prof 6a
- Master 5+
- Aula 4
- Klassenkampf 6a
... - Griffin Jacobs • 1 year agoupdated his or her tick list- Horns of Baphomet 6a+
- …and Hell 6a+
- Heaven 6a - Griffin Jacobs • 1 year agoupdated his or her tick list- Live to Die another day 4+
- Live Wire 5
- Live and let Die 6a
- Live…in the RAW 6b