
Yearly top 10 averages
7c+ 0 0 0 0 0
7c 2 0 0 2 0
7b+ 8 0 1 7 0
7b 26 1 4 21 0
7a+ 29 8 2 19 0
7a 64 6 12 46 0
6c+ 9 1 1 6 1
6c 10 1 1 8 0
6b+ 6 0 3 3 0
6b 1 0 0 1 0
6a+ 0 0 0 0 0
6a 2 0 2 0 0
5+ 0 0 0 0 0
5 1 0 0 1 0
4+ 0 0 0 0 0
Route Grade Crag Type Ascent date Ascent type
Maha kali
6C Boulder at Mommehål 2
6b+ (6c) Mommehål 2 Boulder 2021-04-04
Red point
Red point
Max o Ruby
7A Boulder at Mommehål 2
6c+ (7a) Mommehål 2 Boulder 2021-04-04
Red point
Red point
Stefans hopp
7A Boulder at Fruberget
6c+ (7a) Fruberget Boulder 2021-04-03
Red point
Red point
The Collector
7B Boulder at Fruberget
7a (7b) Fruberget Boulder 2021-04-03
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Fruberget
6c+ (7a) Fruberget Boulder 2021-04-03
Cap i cua
7a Sport at Chulilla
Really cool route set with dual texture holds! (haha)
7a Chulilla Sport 2020-01-08
7c Sport at Chulilla
A good fight all the way to the top!
7c Chulilla Sport 2020-01-08
Red point
Red point
Tierre de nadine
7b Sport at Chulilla
Shared start with "Agua por favor" which I climbed before. The rest was a fun onsight while being a bit sick and fever at the same time.
7b Chulilla Sport 2020-01-03
Red point
Red point
Auga por favor
7c Sport at Chulilla
2nd go. Nice climb.
7b+ (7c) Chulilla Sport 2019-12-30
Red point
Red point
El Regalito
7b Sport at Chulilla
Climbs nicely. Second go!
7b Chulilla Sport 2019-12-25
Red point
Red point
7b Sport at Chulilla
7b Chulilla Sport 2019-12-22
När stålborsten tappade makten
7b Traditional at Sparöd
It is all in the details! Perhaps 7a+?
7a+ (7b) Sparöd Traditional 2019-07-20
Red point
Red point
7b Sport at Träleberget
I really enjoyed this climb! Had so much fun during my onsight attempt even though I did not get it. Seems like staying left or right is similar although I found left side to be so much fun!!
7b Träleberget Sport 2019-07-19
Red point
Red point
Andy Airline
6c+ Traditional at Sparöd
Buy a ticket and take off! Felt like 7a to me but I might have been tired and not getting the best beta.
7a (6c+) Sparöd Traditional 2019-07-15
Red point
Red point
6c+ Sport at Träleberget
Felt almost like as 7a to me but there might be an easier sequence.
6c+ Träleberget Sport 2019-07-05
Kunta Kinte
7b+ Sport at Träleberget
Lots of ways of solving this problem. Nice and clean line. Around 7b to me, but don't belive in grades, they're just fictional ;)
7b (7b+) Träleberget Sport 2019-07-05
Red point
Red point
6c+ Traditional at Galgeberget
Fun, so much fun!! Suits me well.
6c+ Galgeberget Traditional 2019-07-02
The Cabibo Kobayashi Maskawa a.k.a. Mixing Matrix
7b Traditional at Galgeberget
Hardest redpoint on my own gear so far.
7b Galgeberget Traditional 2019-07-02
Red point
Red point
Styv kuling
7a+ Sport at Vindön
Such a good route to try an onsight on! Exciting climbing and still I had a great feeling all the way.
7a+ Vindön Sport 2019-06-29
5 Boulder at Bulten
A drive-in crag with nice urban industry touch and the route is possibly a ”blekingsk” 8a. Otherwise 7c? I don’t have enough data to know... :)
7c (5) Bulten Boulder 2019-06-19
Red point
Red point
Ten Eleven direct
7A Boulder at Franchard Cuisinière
6c+ (7a) Franchard Cuisinière Boulder 2019-03-10
Red point
Red point
Haute Tension
7B Boulder at Franchard Cuisinière
7b Franchard Cuisinière Boulder 2019-03-08
Red point
Red point
Pied de nez
6C+ Boulder at Rocher Gréau
6c+ Rocher Gréau Boulder 2019-03-03
Red point
Red point
Le Bouton
7A Boulder at Éléphant
7a Éléphant Boulder 2019-03-03
Red point
Red point
La Ligne Blanche
7B Boulder at Buthiers Tennis
7b Buthiers Tennis Boulder 2019-03-03
Red point
Red point
Immodium assis
7B Boulder at Cuvier Rempart
I find the sit easier than the stand start for some funny reason!
7b Cuvier Rempart Boulder 2019-03-01
Red point
Red point
Teddy Bear
7A Boulder at Buthiers Tennis
7a Buthiers Tennis Boulder 2019-02-27
Red point
Red point
La Gaule debout
7A+ Boulder at Cuvier Ouest
7a (7a+) Cuvier Ouest Boulder 2019-02-26
Red point
Red point
les Cavaliers de l'Apocalypse
7A Boulder at Cuvier Ouest
7a Cuvier Ouest Boulder 2019-02-26
Charcuterie - White 4
7A Boulder at Bas Cuvier
Went for the jug and not the gaston undercling.
7a Bas Cuvier Boulder 2019-02-26
Red point
Red point
La Bouse à Dom
6C Boulder at Franchard Cuisinière
6c Franchard Cuisinière Boulder 2019-02-24
Red point
Red point
Blocage Mental
6B+ Boulder at Franchard Cuisinière
6c (6b+) Franchard Cuisinière Boulder 2019-02-24
Red point
Red point
Le Mouton à 5 Pattes *BROKEN*
7A Boulder at Franchard Cuisinière
7a Franchard Cuisinière Boulder 2019-02-24
Red point
Red point
7B Boulder at Franchard Cuisinière
7b Franchard Cuisinière Boulder 2019-02-24
Red point
Red point
Le Grand Toit (droite)
7A Boulder at Éléphant ouest
Start in Le Grand Toit, but exit right in Grosminet.
7a Éléphant ouest Boulder 2019-02-23
Red point
Red point
Pitt Boule
7A Boulder at Mont Simonet
7a Mont Simonet Boulder 2019-02-23
Red point
Red point
Le Triathlète
7A+ Boulder at Mont Simonet
7a (7a+) Mont Simonet Boulder 2019-02-23
Red point
Red point
Le Petit Ours
6B+ Boulder at Buthiers Tennis
6b+ Buthiers Tennis Boulder 2019-02-21
Red point
Red point
L'Angle Allain (gauche)
6A Boulder at Cuvier Rempart
6a Cuvier Rempart Boulder 2019-02-20
L'Angle Allain
6A Boulder at Cuvier Rempart
6a Cuvier Rempart Boulder 2019-02-20
7A Boulder at Cuvier Rempart
Pogo until you top!
7a Cuvier Rempart Boulder 2019-02-20
Red point
Red point
Le Surplomb Feuilleté gauche (depart bas)
7A Boulder at Franchard Isatis
7a Franchard Isatis Boulder 2019-02-18
Red point
Red point
El Poussah
7A Boulder at Franchard Isatis
7a Franchard Isatis Boulder 2019-02-18
Red point
Red point
L'Arête du Boucher
7A Boulder at Apremont Est
7a Apremont Est Boulder 2019-02-17
Red point
Red point
La miguel gomez
7a+ Sport at Chulilla
7a+ Chulilla Sport 2019-01-10
Blue agave
7a El muro de lamentaciones, Chulilla Sport 2019-01-10
Las caquitas de Nazarten
7b Sport at Chulilla
7b Chulilla Sport 2019-01-05
Los Animaculos de la placa
7b Sport at Chulilla
7b Chulilla Sport 2019-01-04
Red point
Red point
Revuelta en el frenopático
7b Sport at Chulilla
7b Chulilla Sport 2019-01-03
Dumbo Love
7a Sport at Chulilla
7a Chulilla Sport 2019-01-03
Red point
Red point
El viaje en cuba
7a Sport at Chulilla
6c+ (7a) Chulilla Sport 2019-01-01
Gárgola ext
7a+ Sport at Chulilla
7a+ Chulilla Sport 2018-12-28
Danos colaterales
7b+ Sport at Chulilla
7b (7b+) Chulilla Sport 2018-12-28
Red point
Red point
Son daas
7a El muro de lamentaciones, Chulilla Sport 2018-12-27
El muro de las lamentaciones (
7a Sport at Chulilla
7a Chulilla Sport 2018-12-27
Richar line
7a Sport at Chulilla
A bit exposed and exciting in the beginning.
7a Chulilla Sport 2018-12-26
Plan Z
7a Sport at Chulilla
6c+ (7a) Chulilla Sport 2018-12-24
La diagonal
6c+ Sport at Chulilla
6c+ Chulilla Sport 2018-12-23
Top rope
Top rope
El diagonale
6c Sport at Chulilla
6c+ (6c) Chulilla Sport 2018-12-23
Indignation au pays des bétonneurs L1
7a Sport at Céüse
7a Céüse Sport 2018-07-26
Un point des 2
6c Sport at Céüse
6c Céüse Sport 2018-07-26
7a+ Sport at Céüse
End of tre day, a muerte and searching for pockets in the top. Good vibes!
7a+ Céüse Sport 2018-07-26
Au sud de nulle part
7b+ Sport at Céüse
7b (7b+) Céüse Sport 2018-07-24
Red point
Red point
Melody Nelson
7a+ Sport at Céüse
7a+ Céüse Sport 2018-07-24
Angel dust
7a+ Sport at Céüse
7a+ Céüse Sport 2018-07-24
La petite illusion
7a+ Sport at Céüse
7a+ Céüse Sport 2018-07-22
6c Sport at Céüse
6c Céüse Sport 2018-07-22
Red point
Red point
Vas-y Tonton L1
7a Sport at Céüse
7a Céüse Sport 2018-07-19
Retour en Afrique L1 / Cheyenne automne L1
7a+ Sport at Céüse
7a (7a+) Céüse Sport 2018-07-19
Harley Davidson
6b+ Sport at Céüse
6b+ Céüse Sport 2018-07-17
En svärmorsdröm
7a+ Sport at Älvbroklippan
7a+ Älvbroklippan Sport 2018-06-24
Red point
Red point
6c Sport at Vindön
6c Vindön Sport 2018-06-23
7a Sport at Vindön
7a Vindön Sport 2018-06-23
7b Sport at Vindön
7b Vindön Sport 2018-06-23
Red point
Red point
Svarte Petter
7b Sport at Tjörnbroklippan
7b Tjörnbroklippan Sport 2018-06-22
Red point
Red point
7b+ Sport at Tjörnbroklippan
7b+ Tjörnbroklippan Sport 2018-06-22
Red point
Red point
Förlängd orgasm
7a+ Sport at Viks Kile
7a+ Viks Kile Sport 2018-06-02
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Brappersberget - Boulder
6c (7a) Brappersberget - Boulder Boulder 2018-05-13
7A Boulder at Brappersberget - Boulder
Climbs great once a beta is discovered!
6c+ (7a) Brappersberget - Boulder Boulder 2018-05-13
Red point
Red point
Mount Everest
7a Sport at Granitgrottan
7a Granitgrottan Sport 2018-05-12
7a+ Sport at Granitgrottan
Commiting on-sight makes great fun. The continuation is much better and hopefully goes next time!
7a+ Granitgrottan Sport 2018-05-12
7a+ Sport at Vindön
A great knee-bar saved the dat for this boulderer!
7a+ Vindön Sport 2018-05-10
7a+ Sport at Vindön
7a+ Vindön Sport 2018-05-03
Red point
Red point
The 4-layer man in the 2-layer version
7A+ Boulder at Kjugekull
Problemet var fint och trevligt när det gick men processen dit var en plåga som återkom år efter år.
7a+ Kjugekull Boulder 2018-04-07
Red point
Red point
7B+ Boulder at Kjugekull
7b+ Kjugekull Boulder 2018-04-07
Red point
Red point
Sourze variant
7A+ Boulder at Marstrand
7a+ Marstrand Boulder 2018-03-30
Red point
Red point
La baleine
7A Boulder at Petit Bois
Demanded the best of friction and "getting a feel for it" and then it was just awesome!
7a+ (7a) Petit Bois Boulder 2018-03-16
Red point
Red point
Jo's Special
6C Boulder at Franchard Cuisinière
6c Franchard Cuisinière Boulder 2018-03-14
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Cuisinière Crête Sud
Climbs nicely! 2nd go :)
7a Cuisinière Crête Sud Boulder 2018-03-14
Red point
Red point
Pensées Cachées
7B Boulder at Franchard Cuisinière
7b Franchard Cuisinière Boulder 2018-03-14
Red point
Red point
El señor de los enanos
7B Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
First try today. Probably climbed it two years ago. Probably harder if you're shorter
6c+ (7b) Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2018-01-05
Red point
Red point
El concilio
7B Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
Funky climbing and top out! With headlamp I gave it all a couple of extra times, in a true Anton Nilsson style, and was greatly rewarded.
7b Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2018-01-05
Red point
Red point
Arista ivan sit
7A Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
Probably easier for my reach when doing the sit.
6c (7a) Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2018-01-03
Red point
Red point
Locura Transitoria
7A+ Boulder at Tierra media Albarracín
Go for a right hand undercling if you want to do it the enjoyable way.
7a (7a+) Tierra media Albarracín Boulder 2018-01-03
Red point
Red point
Rebota y bota
6C+ Boulder at Tierra media Albarracín
6c (6c+) Tierra media Albarracín Boulder 2018-01-03
Red point
Red point
El Antimorfo
6C+ Boulder at Tierra media Albarracín
Probably helps to be tall.
6b+ (6c+) Tierra media Albarracín Boulder 2018-01-03
Red point
Red point
Garbancito de pie
7B+ Boulder at Tierra media Albarracín
Really nice arete! I just want it to go on and on!
7a+ (7b+) Tierra media Albarracín Boulder 2018-01-03
Red point
Red point
Periñán del Campo
7A+ Boulder at Tierra media Albarracín
Nice one. I did it dynamically!
6c (7a+) Tierra media Albarracín Boulder 2018-01-03
Red point
Red point
7B+ Boulder at Cabrerizo Albarracín
Suits me perfectly with my reach and a heals and toe hooks! went down on my second session.
7b+ Cabrerizo Albarracín Boulder 2018-01-03
Red point
Red point
7B Boulder at Cabrerizo Albarracín
A bit of an elimination to stay low all the way out but well worth it since it climbs really nice like that! A good finish of the year :)
7b Cabrerizo Albarracín Boulder 2017-12-31
Red point
Red point
7A+ Boulder at Techos Albarracin
Suprised myself on this one! Good times!
7a (7a+) Techos Albarracin Boulder 2017-12-30
Red point
Red point
Combo linga
7A+ Boulder at Techos Albarracin
Climbs really well and easy if your tall
6c (7a+) Techos Albarracin Boulder 2017-12-30
Red point
Red point
El chorro
7A+ Boulder at La Fuente Albarracin
7a+ La Fuente Albarracin Boulder 2017-12-27
Red point
Red point
El Ovni
7A Boulder at Champiñones Albarracin
6c+ (7a) Champiñones Albarracin Boulder 2017-12-27
Red point
Red point
Techo de Los Alemanes
7A Boulder at Champiñones Albarracin
6c+ (7a) Champiñones Albarracin Boulder 2017-12-27
Red point
Red point
7A+ Boulder at Kjugekull
7a+ Kjugekull Boulder 2017-11-04
Red point
Red point
La Joker - White 13
7A Boulder at Bas Cuvier
Eliminations are the style in Font and in this case the narrow feet options help. My shoulder didn't like the send but my self-confidence did!
7a Bas Cuvier Boulder 2017-04-14
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Gorges du Houx
7a Gorges du Houx Boulder 2017-04-12
Red point
Red point
7A+ Boulder at Kjugekull
7a+ Kjugekull Boulder 2017-04-12
Red point
Red point
Big Jim
6C Boulder at Petit Bois
6c Petit Bois Boulder 2017-04-11
Red point
Red point
Mur Lombard
7A+ Boulder at Franchard Hautes-Plaines
7a (7a+) Franchard Hautes-Plaines Boulder 2017-04-10
Red point
Red point
Ling de Mire
7A Boulder at Gorge du Houx
7a Gorge du Houx Boulder 2017-04-10
Red point
Red point
Surplomb de la coquille assis (gauche)
7A Boulder at Franchard Hautes-Plaines
7a Franchard Hautes-Plaines Boulder 2017-04-09
Red point
Red point
Le Jeu du Toit
7A Boulder at Roche aux Sabots
7a Roche aux Sabots Boulder 2017-04-08
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Roche aux Sabots
7a Roche aux Sabots Boulder 2017-04-08
Red point
Red point
Maximum Extreme Climb
7a Sport at Cheakamus Canyon
7a Cheakamus Canyon Sport 2016-06-08
Pleasent Pheasant
6b+ Sport at Murrin Park, Squamish
6b+ Murrin Park, Squamish Sport 2016-06-07
Creepy Crawlers
6b+ Sport at Cheakamus Canyon
6b+ Cheakamus Canyon Sport 2016-06-05
Rug Munchers
7a Sport at Cheakamus Canyon
Night climbing at it's best
7a Cheakamus Canyon Sport 2016-06-05
Red point
Red point
Caspersens arete
7A+ Boulder at Kjugekull
Riktigt bra känsla! Tack för guidningen Ola!
7a+ Kjugekull Boulder 2016-03-30
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Kjugekull
7a Kjugekull Boulder 2016-03-20
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Kjugekull
Ännu ett äntligen. 10 år sen förra försöket. Andas ut och gå. Tack Carl!
6b+ Kjugekull Boulder 2016-03-20
Red point
Red point
Grov groove
6B Boulder at Kjugekull
Äntligen testade jag denna vackra linje. Första försöket avbröts för lite borstning men andra gick bra och tredje var ren njutning!
6b Kjugekull Boulder 2016-03-20
Red point
Red point
7B+ Boulder at Kjugekull
Som alltid svårt att gradera en flash. Fin och antagligen längdberoende!
7b (7b+) Kjugekull Boulder 2016-03-20
7B Boulder at Kjugekull
7a+ (7b) Kjugekull Boulder 2016-03-20
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Kjugekull
7a Kjugekull Boulder 2016-03-08
Red point
Red point
7A+ Boulder at Kjugekull
När den väll gick ner gick jag den två gånger i rad! Plötsligt känns det svåra lätt, fantastiskt!
7a+ Kjugekull Boulder 2016-02-21
Red point
Red point
Korsfäst II - Hämnden
7A Boulder at Kjugekull
Hepp! Lättare för långa antar jag..
6c+ (7a) Kjugekull Boulder 2016-02-21
Red point
Red point
Fina areten
7A Boulder at Kjugekull
Så fin att den är värd att klättra om flera gånger på en dag till och med!
6c+ (7a) Kjugekull Boulder 2016-02-21
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
7a Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2016-01-03
Spider Pig
6C Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
6c Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2016-01-03
Red point
Red point
El esquinazo sit
7A Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
The start almost had me!
7a Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2016-01-03
Red point
Red point
6b+ (6c) Entre aguas - Albarracín Boulder 2016-01-02
Red point
Red point
6C+ Boulder at Entre aguas - Albarracín
6b+ (6c+) Entre aguas - Albarracín Boulder 2016-01-02
Red point
Red point
La Rasante pal Mutante
7A+ Boulder at Entre aguas - Albarracín
7a+ Entre aguas - Albarracín Boulder 2016-01-02
Variante del Redil
7a Entre aguas - Albarracín Boulder 2016-01-02
Red point
Red point
El Cartero siempre llama 2 veces
7a Entre aguas - Albarracín Boulder 2016-01-02
Red point
Red point
Doctor Zoiberg
7B Boulder at La Fuente Albarracin
7b La Fuente Albarracin Boulder 2015-12-31
7A+ Boulder at Techos Albarracin
7a (7a+) Techos Albarracin Boulder 2015-12-29
Red point
Red point
El pan Canario
7A Boulder at Techos Albarracin
7a Techos Albarracin Boulder 2015-12-29
Red point
Red point
7B Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
7a+ (7b) Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2015-12-27
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Techos Albarracin
6c+ (7a) Techos Albarracin Boulder 2015-12-24
Red point
Red point
Muro Loco
6C+ Boulder at Techos Albarracin
6b+ (6c+) Techos Albarracin Boulder 2015-12-24
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Techos Albarracin
6c+ (7a) Techos Albarracin Boulder 2015-12-24
Red point
Red point
Bloque fontain
7A Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
7a Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2015-12-22
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
6b+ (7a) Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2015-12-22
Red point
Red point
La cornisa
7A Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
6c+ (7a) Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2015-12-22
Red point
Red point
Ineschakra stand
7A Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
6c (7a) Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2015-12-22
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Tierra media Albarracín
6c+ (7a) Tierra media Albarracín Boulder 2015-12-22
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Tierra media Albarracín
Suits me really good I guess, not FB 7A to me anyways.
6b (7a) Tierra media Albarracín Boulder 2015-12-22
7A Boulder at Tierra media Albarracín
6c (7a) Tierra media Albarracín Boulder 2015-12-22
7A+ Boulder at Tierra media Albarracín
Mental catch-crux
7a+ Tierra media Albarracín Boulder 2015-12-22
Red point
Red point
Con el mantel en el bolsillo
7A Boulder at La Fuente Albarracin
7a La Fuente Albarracin Boulder 2015-12-20
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Kjugekull
Easy when it finally goes.
7a Kjugekull Boulder 2015-11-21
Red point
Red point
Ken Titan
7A Boulder at Kjugekull
First try in a year :)
7a Kjugekull Boulder 2015-11-14
Red point
Red point
Brick 'ard
7A+ Boulder at Kjugekull
Hård, 7A+-7B för mig
7a+ Kjugekull Boulder 2015-11-14
Red point
Red point
7B Boulder at Kjugekull
Tå-häl, häl-häl! :)
7b Kjugekull Boulder 2015-04-12
Red point
Red point
7B Boulder at Kjugekull
Topping out in snow!
7b Kjugekull Boulder 2014-11-12
Red point
Red point
Björntjänst sittstart
7A Boulder at Kjugekull
Probably harder if you're shorter than 180.
7a Kjugekull Boulder 2014-04-12
Red point
Red point
6C+ Boulder at Kjugekull
Climbed it a long time ago and always enjoy to come back
6c+ Kjugekull Boulder 2012-11-12
Red point
Red point