
Yearly top 10 averages
8a 0 0 0 0 0
7c+ 2 0 0 2 0
7c 1 0 0 1 0
7b+ 7 0 1 6 0
7b 25 0 1 24 0
7a+ 16 0 0 16 0
7a 2 0 0 2 0
6c+ 24 0 9 15 0
6c 1 0 0 1 0
6b+ 22 3 7 12 0
6b 1 0 0 1 0
6a+ 13 0 5 8 0
6a 5 0 2 3 0
5+ 0 0 0 0 0
5 2 0 2 0 0
4+ 1 1 0 0 0
4 1 0 1 0 0
3+ 0 0 0 0 0
Ascent date
Ascent type
Baby Tomahawk
6C+ Boulder at Corner Rock
I think this is the name? The line left of tomahawk. The bottom is pretty dabby, but the rock is good and the movement gets better as you go
6C+ Corner Rock Boulder 2014-04-18
7B+ Boulder at Corner Rock
Huge, steep, awesome. One of the best lines I've done. A bit soft. Dropped off at the lip last week because I was scared of the top out, but not today.
7B+ Corner Rock Boulder 2014-04-18
Red point
Red point
7B Boulder at Rumbling Bald, NC
The start is weird. Cool dynos
7B Rumbling Bald, NC Boulder 2014-04-09
Red point
Red point
Morning Star
7B Boulder at Rumbling Bald, NC
Soft. Long deadpoint method. Good rock
7B Rumbling Bald, NC Boulder 2014-04-09
Red point
Red point
Seven Eleven Stand
3rd go. Ended up campusing pretty much the whole problem which made it easier
7B Cumberland, Chattanooga, TN Boulder 2014-03-22
Red point
Red point
Blind Spot
Feet cut when I hit the sloper and I managed to campus match and stay on. Desperate today with bad skin.
7B Little Rock City (AKA Stone Fort) Boulder 2014-03-22
Red point
Red point
Dragon Lady
6B+ Little Rock City (AKA Stone Fort) Boulder 2014-03-22
Projectile Vomit
7B Boulder at Rumbling Bald, NC
It was soaked from snow melt when I got there, but it dried. I campused several moves because it was way easier than heel hooking on the sloper
7B Rumbling Bald, NC Boulder 2014-03-08
Red point
Red point
Leprechaun Promenade
3rd go. Long!
6C+ Rumbling Bald, North Carolina Boulder 2014-02-01
Red point
Red point
Standard Deviation
7A+ Boulder at Rocktown, GA
2nd go. Flashed it, but the guys who told me where it started were mistaken. Started in the right place and sent it that go. First move didn't make it any harder. Oh well on the flash
7A+ Rocktown, GA Boulder 2014-01-18
Red point
Red point
Brown Hole
7B+ Boulder at Rocktown, GA
Punted off the move after the nose candy jug two weeks ago. Nice to come back and do it. No heel hook beta for the start move, just the huge move off the undercling. Loved it
7B+ Rocktown, GA Boulder 2014-01-18
Red point
Red point
6C+ Boulder at Rocktown, GA
So good. Topped it out at 25 feet! Jared sent as well
6C+ Rocktown, GA Boulder 2013-12-17
Gritstone Arete
6A+ Boulder at Rocktown
Really tall and commiting. Not hard once I grew a pair. Ty Shelton is insane
6A+ Rocktown Boulder 2013-12-17
Red point
Red point
Alien Writing
6A+ Boulder at Rocktown
Hard. Such sick rock
6A+ Rocktown Boulder 2013-12-17
Paint Can
6A Boulder at Rocktown
End of the day awesomeness with Ty
6A Rocktown Boulder 2013-12-17
Drug Test Policy
7B Boulder at Rocktown
Soft. Except for bleeding from the jug, it's awesome. Maybe V6? Felt really easy until the move to the jug, and I bumped right hand to it. Spanny
7B Rocktown Boulder 2013-12-17
6C+ Boulder at Rocktown
2nd go. The V5 to the right of helicopter. Doesn't seem to get done much, but I enjoyed it.
6C+ Rocktown Boulder 2013-12-17
Red point
Red point
Nose Candy
7A+ Boulder at Rocktown
The last move always gave me some trouble, but took it down 1st go this trip. Jared sent as well! Awesome
7A+ Rocktown Boulder 2013-12-15
Red point
Red point
Triple Slaps
6A+ Boulder at Rocktown, GA
Hard. What sweet holds and rad moves. One of the best
6A+ Rocktown, GA Boulder 2013-12-15
Salt Water
7C Boulder at Rumbling Bald, NC
The 1 -2 with Dale! Really fun. Took 2 sessions. Campus boards and front levers helped a lot. Happy to end #noshavetilv9 today.
7C Rumbling Bald, NC Boulder 2013-12-11
Red point
Red point
Slave Driver
6A+ Boulder at Rumbling Bald, NC
Very hard to figure out the beta
6A+ Rumbling Bald, NC Boulder 2013-11-29
Red point
Red point
Tomahawk Dyno
7A+ Boulder at Corner Rock
The first all points off dyno I've ever done. This might be the coolest boulder I've climbed on. No idea why it doesn't get more attention. I'm sold on it!
7A+ Corner Rock Boulder 2013-11-08
Red point
Red point
Belly of the Fish
7B Boulder at Chau Ram
A really cool project that I cleaned and spent a couple of days trying. Starts on a left hand pocket and right hand undercling with really bad feet, big move up to the belly sloper, make a few moves across it, to a crimp, then reach under to a right hand side pull and compress, and then make a move to the fish mouth jug where it finishes. Who knows for sure on the grade
7B Chau Ram Boulder 2013-11-07
FA Red point
FA Red point
6A Boulder at Chau Ram
If you can't flash it, don't do it. Terrifying landing over white water!
6A Chau Ram Boulder 2013-11-02
The Gateway
5 Boulder at Chau Ram
5 Chau Ram Boulder 2013-11-02
Crack Kills
4 Boulder at Chau Ram
Sent my whole family up this thing. Dope slab climb!
4 Chau Ram Boulder 2013-11-02
Pound It Like A Freemason
7A+ Boulder at Chau Ram
Sweet line over the river. V6 with the beta I used. A right entrance is possible
7A+ Chau Ram Boulder 2013-11-02
Red point
Red point
Turbo Jesus
7A+ Boulder at Chau Ram
So so good. 45 degree overhang by the river with a dyno at the end. Rare to find a line like this is SC...and there are still projects...
7A+ Chau Ram Boulder 2013-11-02
Red point
Red point
Goat on the Ceiling
6A Boulder at Chau Ram
6A Chau Ram Boulder 2013-10-28
Red point
Red point
Don't Eat the Fish
5 Boulder at Chau Ram
Highball with amazing holds and a sketchy landing
5 Chau Ram Boulder 2013-10-28
You Can't Teleport An Ostritch
6A+ Boulder at Chau Ram
Soft. Big move off of good crimps to a cool sloper and fun slab climb. The rock was soaking wet today.
6A+ Chau Ram Boulder 2013-10-28
Red point
Red point
Super Mario
6A+ Boulder at Rocktown
1st go. Would be a flash but I did Luigi first...
6A+ Rocktown Boulder 2013-10-15
Red point
Red point
6A+ Boulder at Rocktown, GA
Awesome holds
6A+ Rocktown, GA Boulder 2013-10-15
El Bano
6A+ Boulder at Rocktown
Immensely harder than El Bano Direct...
6A+ Rocktown Boulder 2013-10-15
Red point
Red point
Double Trouble
6C+ Boulder at Rocktown, GA
Isn't Double Trouble the V5 extension to the V3 Trouble? First day back outside since I hurt my shoulder in August.
6C+ Rocktown, GA Boulder 2013-10-15
El Bano Direct
6B+ Boulder at Rocktown
After hitting the right hand pinch go left hand to the crimp on the face. Then stand up and go right hand to the top. Way easier than jamming in that groove.
6B+ Rocktown Boulder 2013-10-15
French Crack
7B Boulder at Grandmother Mountain
Sharp. Found a drop knee bar on the start hold to match the left hand in. I dynoed to the lip instead of crimping more and making the spanny move to the right hand flake
7B Grandmother Mountain Boulder 2013-08-24
Red point
Red point
Monkey Paw
6B+ Boulder at Blowing Rock
Didn't know the beta so I threw a dyno in there
6B+ Blowing Rock Boulder 2013-08-06
Red point
Red point
Pinch the Loaf
7B Boulder at Blowing Rock
Day flash with the toe hook beta. Super cool
7B Blowing Rock Boulder 2013-08-05
Red point
Red point
Colt 45
7B Boulder at Blowing Rock
Found beta that makes the start move not as stupid. Fell off the last move twice but finally took her down. My best day of climbing ever
7B Blowing Rock Boulder 2013-08-05
Red point
Red point
Smart Tom Dyno
6A+ Boulder at Blowing Rock
Second GO. Pretty fun and I didn't fall 20 feet to my death
6A+ Blowing Rock Boulder 2013-08-05
Red point
Red point
Monkey Brains
6A+ Boulder at Blowing Rock
Awesome. Will sent his first V3!
6A+ Blowing Rock Boulder 2013-08-05
Smart Tom aka Soul Cleanser
6B+ Boulder at Blowing Rock
Pretty cool
6B+ Blowing Rock Boulder 2013-08-05
Doomed to Obscurity
7B Boulder at Blowing Rock
Day flash. Good movement despite being lowball
7B Blowing Rock Boulder 2013-08-05
Red point
Red point
Gadget Direct
6B+ Boulder at Horse Pens 40
This felt hard. Maybe V5?
6C (6B+) Horse Pens 40 Boulder 2013-07-14
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Horse Pens 40
Pretty cool, but the elimination is dumb.
6B+ Horse Pens 40 Boulder 2013-07-14
Red point
Red point
6A+ Boulder at Horse Pens 40
Amazing rock and movement. One of the best
6A+ Horse Pens 40 Boulder 2013-07-14
6B+ Boulder at Horse Pens 40
Drop off. Not enough pads and too hot to do the topout today.
6B+ Horse Pens 40 Boulder 2013-07-14
Bum Boy
6A+ Boulder at Horse Pens 40
Second go. I've wanted to climb this boulder for years. Amazing, and thanks to George for the beta spray down
6A+ Horse Pens 40 Boulder 2013-07-14
Red point
Red point
Cuts Like a Knife
6C+ Boulder at Horse Pens 40
The second move is hard
6C+ Horse Pens 40 Boulder 2013-07-14
6C+ Boulder at Horse Pens 40
The conglomerate rock is the only thing that detracts from the quality, but it's still amazing.
6C+ Horse Pens 40 Boulder 2013-07-14
Against Humanity
7B Boulder at Poudre Canyon
Incredible. The pinch is the coolest hold ever.
7B Poudre Canyon Boulder 2013-05-12
Red point
Red point
Hank's Lunge
7A Boulder at Poudre Canyon
Triple send train with beans and jake
6C+ (7A) Poudre Canyon Boulder 2013-05-11
Red point
Red point
The Captain
6C+ Boulder at Three Sisters
My hands hurt
6C+ Three Sisters Boulder 2013-05-06
Red point
Red point
Tremor Christ
7B+ Boulder at Aztec Complex
The king line of SC. The old method is dead due to a crucial undercling break. The method Adam used lives on. Felt like the upper end of the grade to me. Hardest to date.
7B+ Aztec Complex Boulder 2013-04-10
Red point
Red point
French Maid
7B Boulder at Rumbling Bald, NC
3 days. Hard for me. Would have gone faster if I was better at rock climbing.
7B Rumbling Bald, NC Boulder 2013-03-20
Red point
Red point
Apocalypse Prow
7B Boulder at Lost Cove, Boone, NC
The best problem, the worst hike.
7B Lost Cove, Boone, NC Boulder 2013-03-10
Red point
Red point
The sternum
I botched the beta bad and my heel blew. Fun climb on a weekend of snow and mud.
6C+ Little Rock City (AKA Stone Fort) Boulder 2013-02-03
Ranger Rob
7A+ Boulder at Lilly boulders
Fun roof, but a little dabby at the end.
7A+ Lilly boulders Boulder 2013-01-20
Red point
Red point
Numerical Methods
7B+ Boulder at Horseshoe Canyon Ranch
Really good. Probably 7B. Almost broke my ankle getting down. *I heard that this is getting downgraded to V7 in the new guide. Probably accurate.*
7B (7B+) Horseshoe Canyon Ranch Boulder 2012-12-18
Leather Face
7B Boulder at Horseshoe Canyon Ranch
7B Horseshoe Canyon Ranch Boulder 2012-12-17
Red point
Red point
7c+ Sport at Jamestown
Strawberry Shortcake and FOA link up. V7 boulder to 5.11 roof climbing. Retroflashed both routes at the same time! Thought I was doing the "Blood and Guts" link up, but apparently you are supposed to climb the first 3 bolts of Strawberry and then finish with FOA. Oh well this is a super fun climb.
7c+ Jamestown Sport 2012-12-14
Red point
Red point
Patio Roof
7B+ Boulder at Rumbling Bald, NC
This might be the best thing I've done. French Maid is next.
7B+ Rumbling Bald, NC Boulder 2012-11-30
Red point
Red point
Full Contact
7B+ Boulder at Rumbling Bald, NC
One day somebody will get Jimmy Webbed by this flake. Thankful it wasn't today and thankful it wasn't me. Psyched to do this. Patio Roof will go next trip.
7B+ Rumbling Bald, NC Boulder 2012-11-03
Red point
Red point
Helicopter SDS
6C+ Boulder at Rumbling Bald, NC
Fun move, crappy rock quality. So close on Full Contact several times, just didn't know how to top it out. It should go next trip thanks to Vimeo!
6C+ Rumbling Bald, NC Boulder 2012-10-27
Red point
Red point
6C+ Boulder at Grandmother Mountain
2nd go
6C+ Grandmother Mountain Boulder 2012-10-21
Red point
Red point
Sign of the Times
6C+ Boulder at The Dungeon, 221
Sweet slopers
6C+ The Dungeon, 221 Boulder 2012-10-20
Red point
Red point
7B Boulder at Grandmother Mountain
Sweet pocket crimps. Heel hook for the match and cut feet. Top out at like 15 feet on the sweet V2
7B Grandmother Mountain Boulder 2012-10-20
Red point
Red point
Alley-Oop Scoop Low
6C+ Boulder at Bearfields, SC
Old George "Upstate Classic" Evans FA. Excellent alpine start day in the Bearfields
6C+ Bearfields, SC Boulder 2012-09-22
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Awk Hawk
6B+ Boulder at Bearfields, SC
Dare I say one of the coolest dynamic moves I've ever done? And it's in SC!
6B+ Bearfields, SC Boulder 2012-09-22
Red point
Red point
Black Clouds Low
6B+ Boulder at Bearfields, SC
Dislocated my wrists on the sloper a few times...
6B+ Bearfields, SC Boulder 2012-09-22
Red point
Red point
The Fin
6B+ Boulder at Blowing Rock
Kinda sucks, but George sent! Andy and I were so close on Mag 7...
6C+ (6B+) Blowing Rock Boulder 2012-09-15
Red point
Red point
Doug Reed Roof
6C+ Boulder at The Dump, Boone, NC
So righteous and George sent!
6C+ The Dump, Boone, NC Boulder 2012-09-14
Raw Meat
7B Boulder at Grandmother Mountain
2nd go. Climbs a lot like a pocket problem, requiring a lot of accuracy on the first move. Fit me perfectly and I loved it.
7B Grandmother Mountain Boulder 2012-09-14
Red point
Red point
Pulling Teeth
6B+ Boulder at Grandmother Mountain
Pretty fun and steep
6C (6B+) Grandmother Mountain Boulder 2012-09-14
The Art of Vogi
Bailed off the topout first go. Easily one of the best problems at LRC. Super fun jump out of the roof!
6B (6B+) Little Rock City (AKA Stone Fort) Boulder 2012-08-26
Red point
Red point
Very cool problem. Rocktown and LRC in a weekend with Adam, Andy, Beth Anne, and George. Excellent start to the season.
6C+ Little Rock City (AKA Stone Fort) Boulder 2012-08-26
7A+ Boulder at Three Sisters
Superb problem at the Energy Crag. It doesn't appear that anyone has done this climb, but I will find out. Sweet compression to an awesome dyno. Great end to my trip in Colorado.
7A+ Three Sisters Boulder 2012-07-31
FA Red point
FA Red point
6C+ Boulder at Three Sisters
One of the hardest top outs I've ever done.
6C+ Three Sisters Boulder 2012-07-31
Red point
Red point
The Ladder aka Indian Ladder
6A Boulder at Mt. Evans
One of the best problems I've been on. Sent it 2nd go because I didn't use the right starting hands. Mt. Evans is awesome! Rain and hail limited our climbing but this is probably the second most beautiful place I've been next to Yosemite. We hiked in at night to Area A and camped at 11,000 feet. I woke up to the beauty I could not see the night before. Such an awesome experience!
6A Mt. Evans Boulder 2012-07-29
Red point
Red point
Playin' Hooky
4+ Sport at Clear Creek Canyon
Epic multipitch day with Beans. 400 feet tall. Rappelled in the wind and rain to the bottom of the route, which we only reached by rope stretch. Neither of us wanted to hike the crappy approach back, so we left a bail biner on the first bolt, rappelled into the river, and swam across to the bank by the road.
4+ Clear Creek Canyon Sport 2012-07-28
Hazardous Waste
7a Sport at Clear Creek Canyon
Awesome sesh with Beans. He sent his 12a project first go and I sent this 3rd go. I haven't sent a route harder than 5.7 since December. This felt good.
6c+ (7a) Clear Creek Canyon Sport 2012-07-26
Red point
Red point
Fireplace Traverse
7B Boulder at Sandrock, Alabama
Not sure on the grade. Michael said a local told him V8, but I sent it on my first day after two months of rest. Maybe soft 7 or hard 6? Super endurance roof though and really fit my style. Adam, Michael, Andy, and I all sent. Awesome day.
7B Sandrock, Alabama Boulder 2012-06-09
Red point
Red point
Super Mario Extension
I was done with Super Mario, Red House, and Red House Extension so I just wanted to finish this one off too on the last day.
7A+ Little Rock City (AKA Stone Fort) Boulder 2012-03-20
Red point
Red point
Ghengis Khan
I have never made a top out look so ugly.
6C+ Little Rock City (AKA Stone Fort) Boulder 2012-03-19
Red point
Red point
Fat Cat
It was like 85 degrees in the sun...just happy to send something in these temps.
6C+ Little Rock City (AKA Stone Fort) Boulder 2012-03-19
Red point
Red point
Red House Extension
I did the dyno way! This thing was awesome! This gets V8 in the guidebook, but most people say it's soft. It didn't feel too hard, so V7 is probably more appropriate. 2 of 3 season projects done...Rocktown for Burst of Joy soon?
7B Little Rock City (AKA Stone Fort) Boulder 2012-03-18
Red point
Red point
Brackish Water
7B+ Boulder at Rumbling Bald, NC
First of grade. Took 4 or 5 days of work. My heel did not stay on the first move when I sent it. Crimping on this problem so much has really hurt my hands this season. Psyched to have it done!
7B+ Rumbling Bald, NC Boulder 2012-02-20
Red point
Red point
Red house
Felt soft for the grade, but it was really good and easy on the skin. Definitely psyched to go back for the extension!
7B Little Rock City (AKA Stone Fort) Boulder 2012-01-06
Red point
Red point
Super Mario
Super fun. Jugs, crimps, heel hooks, underclings, pinches, knee bars, drop knees, pockets. It literally has everything!
6B+ Little Rock City (AKA Stone Fort) Boulder 2012-01-05
Torque Master
7A+ Boulder at Rumbling Bald, NC
Took a solo trip to the Bald to find a lost pair of shoes...I didn't find the shoes but I did send this! Scary top out with 1 pad and no spotters! I didn't battle much torque which makes me think my beta was different than the FA.
7A+ Rumbling Bald, NC Boulder 2011-12-13
Red point
Red point
Campus Problem
6C+ Boulder at Rumbling Bald, NC
Cool problem to warm up on. The holds are all good.
6C+ Rumbling Bald, NC Boulder 2011-12-11
Red point
Red point
La Pistola
7a+ Sport at Foster Falls
My endurance was down so it was nice to find a really cool short line to work!
7a+ Foster Falls Sport 2011-12-03
Red point
Red point
Grease Pit
7A+ Boulder at Rumbling Bald, NC
Really fun with dynamic move at the end. Felt pretty easy.
7A (7A+) Rumbling Bald, NC Boulder 2011-11-11
Red point
Red point
Delusions of Grunger
7b Sport at Jamestown
Amazing link up of Grunge Fest and Delusions of Grandeur. Much longer and pumpier! I tried it a few times and fell and was content to call it a day but gave it one more go right before we left and I sent! This was my last day at Jamestown before I moved home from Arkansas.
7b Jamestown Sport 2011-11-01
FA Red point
FA Red point
Delusions of Grandeur
7b Sport at Jamestown
My vision. I've been looking at this line in between Wet Dreams and Grunge Fest for over a year. So happy to have made a contribution to Jamestown!
7b Jamestown Sport 2011-10-20
FA Red point
FA Red point
The Grateful Dead
7b Sport at Brock, Arkansas
Bottom crux took me several tries, but I sent the top crux first time I got up there. Really fun.
7b Brock, Arkansas Sport 2011-10-10
Red point
Red point
Last of the Red Hot Lunges
7a+ Sport at Brock, Arkansas
Almost onsighted it. Sent it 2nd try.
7a (7a+) Brock, Arkansas Sport 2011-10-10
Red point
Red point
Bat Bit
6b+ Sport at Brock, Arkansas
Awesome crimpy vertical face at Brock!
6b+ Brock, Arkansas Sport 2011-10-10
Horseshoes and Handgrenades
6b+ Sport at Horseshoe Canyon Ranch
Onsighted during 24 Hours of Horseshoe Hell.
6b+ Horseshoe Canyon Ranch Sport 2011-09-23