Joakim Flachsbinder
lives in stockholm — has visited and listed 20 crags
- Joakim Flachsbinder • 5 years agoupdated his tick list- Blue #24 4
- Greta Garbo right variation (blue #23) 5+
- Greta Garbo 5+
- La Fissure (white #37) 6B
... - Joakim Flachsbinder • 5 years agoupdated his tick list- Des Vertes et des pas Mûres 7A
- Rubik's Cube (direct) 6A
- Creeping (gauche) 6A
- La Théorie de Teddy 7A
... - Joakim Flachsbinder • 5 years agoupdated his tick list- Luna 6A
- Bouddha standing start 5+
- Bouddha assis 6B - Joakim Flachsbinder • 5 years agoupdated his tick list- Couloir de Vaucouleurs 5
- Secret Limpide 4+
- Prise de Marque 5
- Hangover of Rolf 5