
Route Grade Type Crag Rating Added
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7A+ Boulder at Pahkla Suurkivi
03.06.2021 After around 20 tries the route destroyed my left hand index finger. Will have to get revenge in the future. Personally the direct version felt at least 7A+. 28.09.2022 New highpoint up to the penultimate hold. Still feels hard even in good conditions... I suspect that the starting foothold used in beta videos has gotten slightly worse, I wasn't really able to use it. I used a 10 cm higher foothold that broke twice but still remained usable.
7A+ Boulder Pahkla Suurkivi
7A+ Boulder at Jaani-Tooma
Too pumpy after Chifundo, probably also more difficult
7A+ Boulder Jaani-Tooma
Lauri couldn't think of a name
6C Boulder at Augu Suurkivi
I'm a bit annoyed I couldn't do this one but it was already dark and skin was bad.
6C Boulder Augu Suurkivi
? Boulder at Kelvingi
? Boulder Kelvingi 2021-03-28
? Boulder at Neosti kivikülv
? Boulder Neosti kivikülv 2021-03-28
? Boulder at Neosti kivikülv
? Boulder Neosti kivikülv 2021-03-28
Unnamed route
? Boulder at Jaanukse
Tried the first moves, stand start is easy up to the lip. Mantle seems very hard. Sit start also hard.
? Boulder Jaanukse 2021-04-04
Glada vappen
7A Boulder at Tammispea
7A Boulder Tammispea
The Plastic Man
6C+ Boulder at Neosti kivikülv
Did the first moves, top needs cleaning. Not harder than 6C+ probably.
6C+ Boulder Neosti kivikülv 2021-05-29
Steps so Silent
6B Boulder at Pahkla Suurkivi
Felt way harder than 6B, especially mid and upper sections. Around 6C-7A for me.
6B Boulder Pahkla Suurkivi
Seal Style
6A+ Boulder at Pahkla Suurkivi
Figured out a beta that might work (with my beta around 6C-7A). Cool moves. Sit start is probably also possible.
6A+ Boulder Pahkla Suurkivi
Project 2
? Boulder at Kadaka puiestee
Could not figure out an easy beta for the first move. Rest is easy.
? Boulder Kadaka puiestee 2021-06-19
Mundo ganja
7A Boulder at Kasviken
7A Boulder Kasviken
Game Over
7C Boulder at Kasviken
7C Boulder Kasviken
7C Boulder at South Grottan
The best boulder I have ever tried. Two sessions on it. Climbed the boulder in two parts but was not able to link it together in just two sessions.
7C Boulder South Grottan
Angel direct
7A Boulder at Kasviken
7A Boulder Kasviken
Project 1
? Boulder at Ellandvahe
11.09.2021: did the first few moves on, the middle and top parts are still unclear. 04.09.2022: Checked out the moves in the middle and top part. Definitely possible but probably harder than other routes on the boulder. Trying the boulder from the ground could be frustrating as the crux is at the top. 16.09.2023: Tried the start and middle again, could do some of the moves but not all. I had to tape first two fingers on both hands. It really need multiple sessions in a short time-frame as it is quite beta intensive.
? Boulder Ellandvahe 2021-09-11
Envie d'Ailes
7C Boulder at Éléphant
Was able to establish for the jump but could not really move.
7C Boulder Éléphant
Pièce de Résistance assis
7B Boulder at Apremont Ouest
7B Boulder Apremont Ouest
Crazy Horse
7B Boulder at Apremont Ouest
7B Boulder Apremont Ouest
Le Lepréux direct assis
7B Boulder at Éléphant
7B Boulder Éléphant
Project 2
? Boulder at Ellandvahe
04.09.2022: cleaned the upper part today, there are 1/4 pad holds at the top so it is probably possible. Grade-wise might be around 7C-8B.
? Boulder Ellandvahe 2022-09-04
? Boulder at Jaani-Tooma
25.09.2022 Tried the moves in the lower part, felt possible but too hard for me currently. The crucial pinch in the middle part is really sharp and painful.
? Boulder Jaani-Tooma 2022-09-28
8a Traditional at Turunvuori
8a Traditional Turunvuori
King Fisher
7A Boulder Trolldalstjønna a.k.a. Justad
Book of Hook
7A+ Boulder at Liljendal
7A+ Boulder Liljendal
7B+ Boulder at Liljendal
25.08.2023 Had a few tries, could start but not really get up high enough, would probably go in a few sessions.
7B+ Boulder Liljendal
Burden of Dreams
9A Boulder at Lappnor
24.08.2023 Session 1, could hold some positions statically.
9A Boulder Lappnor 2023-08-25
Ota Mut!
7b Sport at Nalkkilan släbi
26.08.2023 Got to the second quick draw first go but couldn't get up, would be easier in the cold. Climbed a bit above the 3rd quick draw to the top while trying Mari.
7b Sport Nalkkilan släbi
7a+ Sport at Nalkkilan släbi
26.08.2023 Had a really good go after falling at the start a few times, fell just before the bolt of Ota Mut! Climbed from there to top after figuring out the beta without too much trouble.
7a+ Sport Nalkkilan släbi
? Boulder at Augu Suurkivi
? Boulder Augu Suurkivi 2023-09-22
Like real Bouldering
6C Boulder at Kaarnakivi
28.06.2024: Found the first move to be almost impossible to reach, dyno is probably easier for me. Had a few good attempts on the slopers but was not able to do the move to the sidepull with those conditions (beta: use toe, not heel). 2 pads and/or a spotter would be good for the topout.
6C Boulder Kaarnakivi