
Yearly top 10 averages
8a 0 0 0 0 0
7c+ 4 0 0 4 0
7c 11 0 0 11 0
7b+ 9 0 0 9 0
7b 13 0 1 12 0
7a+ 13 1 0 12 0
7a 35 0 5 30 0
6c+ 2 0 2 0 0
6c 3 0 1 2 0
6b+ 0 0 0 0 0
6b 0 0 0 0 0
6a+ 0 0 0 0 0
6a 0 0 0 0 0
5+ 1 0 0 1 0
5 1 0 1 0 0
4+ 0 0 0 0 0
Route Grade Crag Type Ascent date Ascent type
Clandestino (gauche)
7A+ Boulder at Apremont Envers
7a (7a+) Apremont Envers Boulder 2024-04-06
Red point
Red point
Flash OFNI
7B+ Boulder at Justice de Noisy
7b+ Justice de Noisy Boulder 2024-03-31
Red point
Red point
Le Mur de la Mort
5+ Boulder at Éléphant
5+ Éléphant Boulder 2023-12-30
Red point
Red point
Paul's Boutique
7A Boulder at Apremont Envers
7a Apremont Envers Boulder 2023-12-25
Wild East
7A+ Boulder at Bahratal
7a+ Bahratal Boulder 2023-12-17
Red point
Red point
Le Chant des Oiseaux
7C+ Boulder at 95.2
7c+ 95.2 Boulder 2023-11-25
Red point
Red point
Matrix Revolution - La Matrice
7C Boulder at Buthiers Nord
7c Buthiers Nord Boulder 2023-10-10
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Rocher d'Avon
7a Rocher d'Avon Boulder 2023-10-07
Red point
Red point
Basta assis
7B+ Boulder at Rocher d'Avon
7b+ Rocher d'Avon Boulder 2023-10-07
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Parking Albarracin
Soft, maybe even 7b only. But really cool though
7b+ (7c) Parking Albarracin Boulder 2023-10-02
Red point
Red point
Doctor robotics
7C+ Boulder at Champiñones Albarracin
7c (7c+) Champiñones Albarracin Boulder 2023-09-25
Red point
Red point
Nido de golondrinas
7A Boulder at Champiñones Albarracin
6c+ (7a) Champiñones Albarracin Boulder 2023-09-22
Red point
Red point
El Ovni
7A Boulder at Champiñones Albarracin
7a Champiñones Albarracin Boulder 2023-09-22
Techo Don Pepo (por la izq.)
7C Boulder at Cabrerizo Albarracín
7b (7c) Cabrerizo Albarracín Boulder 2023-09-19
Red point
Red point
Techo don Pepo
7A Boulder at Cabrerizo Albarracín
7a Cabrerizo Albarracín Boulder 2023-09-19
Red point
Red point
Techo De Menos
6C Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
6c Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2023-09-16
Red point
Red point
Zig Zag
7A Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
7a Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2023-09-16
Red point
Red point
Space Cowboys
7A+ Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
7a+ Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2023-09-16
Red point
Red point
El Varano
7C Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
Really cool boulder, did it second go; no way 7c
7b (7c) Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2023-09-16
Red point
Red point
7b DWS at Cova del Diablo
7b Cova del Diablo DWS 2023-08-31
Red point
Red point
Mi llamo Chris
7a+ DWS at Porto Colom
7a (7a+) Porto Colom DWS 2023-08-25
7A Boulder at Sneznik
7a Sneznik Boulder 2023-06-24
Red point
Red point
Matrix Revolution
7B+ Boulder at Buthiers Nord
7b+ Buthiers Nord Boulder 2023-04-07
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Buthiers Nord
7a Buthiers Nord Boulder 2023-04-07
Piece of Mind (droite)
7A Boulder at Apremont Ouest
7a Apremont Ouest Boulder 2022-09-17
Red point
Red point
Sitting Bull
7C Boulder at Apremont Ouest
7b+ (7c) Apremont Ouest Boulder 2022-09-17
Red point
Red point
Crazy Horse
7B Boulder at Apremont Ouest
7b Apremont Ouest Boulder 2022-09-17
Red point
Red point
La Balancette
7C Boulder at Bas Cuvier
7c Bas Cuvier Boulder 2022-09-15
Red point
Red point
La Balance
7C+ Boulder at Bas Cuvier
7c+ Bas Cuvier Boulder 2022-09-15
Red point
Red point
Tous les délices du mariage
7A+ Boulder at Apremont Envers
7a+ Apremont Envers Boulder 2022-09-12
Red point
Red point
Striés guidés
7A+ Boulder at Apremont Envers
7a+ Apremont Envers Boulder 2022-09-12
Red point
Red point
El Paso Droite
7A Boulder at Apremont Envers
7a Apremont Envers Boulder 2022-09-12
Red point
Red point
Le Jeu du Toit
7A Boulder at Roche aux Sabots
7a Roche aux Sabots Boulder 2022-09-06
Red point
Red point
7B Boulder at Maunoury
Only one star since the topout is pretty sandy. But the moves in the roof are cool!
7b Maunoury Boulder 2022-09-04
7C Boulder at Maunoury
7c Maunoury Boulder 2022-09-04
Red point
Red point
La traversée du gruyère
7A Boulder at Éléphant
7a Éléphant Boulder 2022-09-01
Red point
Red point
La Dalle À Poly
5 Boulder at Éléphant
5 Éléphant Boulder 2022-09-01
7C Boulder at 95.2
7c 95.2 Boulder 2022-08-30
Red point
Red point
Le Toit Tendu (assis)
7A Boulder at Rocher des Souris
7a Rocher des Souris Boulder 2022-08-25
Red point
Red point
Lost in translation
7A Boulder at Apremont Désert
7a Apremont Désert Boulder 2022-08-22
Red point
Red point
Le Dolmen des Jeunes (debout)
7A Boulder at Apremont Désert
7a Apremont Désert Boulder 2022-08-22
Red point
Red point
Le Dolmen des Jeunes
7B+ Boulder at Apremont Désert
7b+ Apremont Désert Boulder 2022-08-22
Red point
Red point
7B+ Boulder at Cul de Chien
7b+ Cul de Chien Boulder 2022-06-06
Red point
Red point
Master of Puppets
7B Boulder at Rocher d'Avon
7b Rocher d'Avon Boulder 2022-05-28
Red point
Red point
la Nuit
7C Boulder at Coquibus Longs Vaux
7c Coquibus Longs Vaux Boulder 2022-05-28
Red point
Red point
7A+ Boulder at Rocher d'Avon
7a+ Rocher d'Avon Boulder 2022-05-22
Red point
Red point
7A+ Boulder at Rocher d'Avon
7a+ Rocher d'Avon Boulder 2022-05-22
Red point
Red point
Abri bouse
7B+ Boulder at Rocher du Télégraphe
7b+ Rocher du Télégraphe Boulder 2022-05-21
Red point
Red point
Lapin ou Canard
7A Boulder at Franchard Hautes-Plaines
7a Franchard Hautes-Plaines Boulder 2022-05-18
Red point
Red point
Tom et Géry
7B Boulder at Franchard Hautes-Plaines
7b Franchard Hautes-Plaines Boulder 2022-05-18
Red point
Red point
Symbiose (droite)
7B+ Boulder at 95.2
7b+ 95.2 Boulder 2022-05-14
Red point
Red point
Compression Zap du Fond
7C Boulder at Rocher de la Reine
7b+ (7c) Rocher de la Reine Boulder 2021-10-04
Red point
Red point
Narine droite
7A Boulder at Canche aux Merciers
7a Canche aux Merciers Boulder 2021-09-25
Red point
Red point
Le petit nez
7A Boulder at Canche aux Merciers
7a Canche aux Merciers Boulder 2021-09-25
La Grande Marche
7A+ Boulder at Canche aux Merciers
7a+ Canche aux Merciers Boulder 2021-09-25
Red point
Red point
Le Couguar Blanc
7A Boulder at Rocher de la Reine
7a Rocher de la Reine Boulder 2021-09-21
Red point
Red point
Compression zip
7A Boulder at Rocher de la Reine
7a Rocher de la Reine Boulder 2021-09-21
Red point
Red point
7B Boulder at Éléphant ouest
7b Éléphant ouest Boulder 2021-07-15
Red point
Red point
Wolf Gang
7B Boulder at Maunoury
7b Maunoury Boulder 2021-07-14
Red point
Red point
À l'Envers
7C+ Boulder at Gorges du Houx
7c+ Gorges du Houx Boulder 2021-07-06
Red point
Red point
Magic Bus
7B+ Boulder at Buthiers
7b+ Buthiers Boulder 2021-06-27
Red point
Red point
Good Vibrations
7A Boulder at Maunoury
7a Maunoury Boulder 2021-06-23
7B Boulder at Maunoury
7b Maunoury Boulder 2021-06-23
Red point
Red point
Kérosène (assis)
7B Boulder at Roche d'Hercule
7b Roche d'Hercule Boulder 2021-06-20
Red point
Red point
Sois Beau, étaie le toit
7C Boulder at Roche d'Hercule
7c Roche d'Hercule Boulder 2021-06-15
Red point
Red point
Rince doigts
7A Boulder at Roche d'Hercule
7a Roche d'Hercule Boulder 2021-06-12
Red point
Red point
Rince mi
7A+ Boulder at Roche d'Hercule
7a+ Roche d'Hercule Boulder 2021-06-12
Red point
Red point
Quelle Mine
7A Boulder at Le Calvaire
7a Le Calvaire Boulder 2021-06-09
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Le Calvaire
6c Le Calvaire Boulder 2021-06-09
Le plafond
7B+ Boulder at Dame Jouanne
7b+ Dame Jouanne Boulder 2021-06-08
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Bas Cuvier
7a Bas Cuvier Boulder 2021-06-05
Red point
Red point
Le Toit du Cul de Chien
7A Boulder at Cul de Chien
7a Cul de Chien Boulder 2021-06-01
Red point
Red point
Vis-à-Vis (assis)
7A Boulder at Rocher des Souris
7a Rocher des Souris Boulder 2021-05-23
Red point
Red point
La Faim du Tigre (droite)
7A Boulder at Jean des vignes
7a Jean des vignes Boulder 2021-05-23
Red point
Red point
La Faim du Tigre
7B Boulder at Jean des vignes
7b Jean des vignes Boulder 2021-05-23
Red point
Red point
Fenbren le fou
7B Boulder at Roche d'Hercule
7b Roche d'Hercule Boulder 2021-05-21
Red point
Red point
Presse agrume (direct)
6C+ Boulder at Roche d'Hercule
7a (6c+) Roche d'Hercule Boulder 2021-05-20
Fenbren le gauche
7A Boulder at Roche d'Hercule
7a Roche d'Hercule Boulder 2021-05-20
Red point
Red point
Hot Chili
7b DWS at Cala Varques
7b Cala Varques DWS 2020-09-23
Red point
Red point
7a DWS at Cala Varques
7a Cala Varques DWS 2020-09-16
Red point
Red point
The Might of the Stalactite
7a DWS at Cala Varques
7a Cala Varques DWS 2020-09-14
Red point
Red point
7a DWS at Cala Varques
7a Cala Varques DWS 2020-09-14
Red point
Red point
7a+ DWS at Cala Varques
7a+ Cala Varques DWS 2020-09-12
Red point
Red point
Captain Black
7a DWS at Cala Sa Nau
7a Cala Sa Nau DWS 2020-09-10
Red point
Red point
7b DWS at Cala Varques
7b Cala Varques DWS 2020-09-09
Red point
Red point
Attack of the spindly killer fish
7a+ DWS at Cala Sa Nau
7a+ Cala Sa Nau DWS 2020-09-05
Red point
Red point
Balsa Boys
7a+ DWS at Cala mitjana (DWS)
7a+ Cala mitjana (DWS) DWS 2020-08-30
Red point
Red point
Catch 22
6c+ DWS at Cala Varques
6c+ Cala Varques DWS 2020-08-24
6c DWS at Cala Varques
6c Cala Varques DWS 2020-08-19
Red point
Red point
7a DWS at Cala Varques
7a Cala Varques DWS 2020-08-14
Red point
Red point
Third Time Lucky
7a DWS at Cala Brafia
7a Cala Brafia DWS 2019-11-06
Red point
Red point
Rich Bitch
7a DWS at Cala mitjana (DWS)
7a Cala mitjana (DWS) DWS 2019-09-06
Red point
Red point