
    • Mikko Setälä
      Mikko Setälä12 years ago
      looks killer, damn some of those are high up! i somehow always like the films best where the footage makes it look like the beautiful scenes are in the main role and the climbers more like supporting actors (while extremely good at that!). makes the climbers look like they belong in the nature.
      ...as a comment on Sakari's blog post "Life on Hold Review"
    • Mikko Setälä
      Mikko Setälä12 years ago
      Minultahan tätä ei kysytty mutta Konalan Boulderkeskus Cave on isoimpia ja parhaimpia, sekä reittien että palveluiden kannalta. Ihan lempimesta mulle. Ja sekaan mahtuu kiireiseenkin aikaan.
      ...as a comment on Ville's blog post "Kohti 7been boulderia."
    • Mikko Setälä
      Mikko Setälä12 years ago
      i've got that tingling feeling in my arms again.... :) and when I do that visualisation thing, a rush goes through them. me likey!

      and yes, i did give it my 100%! even though that grade-wise, I wasn't doing so hot. Those 5b-c's were giving me a hard enough time...
      ...as a comment on Mikko's blog post "About them grades..."

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