
Yearly top 10 averages
7c+ 0 0 0 0 0
7c 2 0 0 2 0
7b+ 1 0 0 1 0
7b 7 0 0 7 0
7a+ 18 0 0 18 0
7a 3 0 0 3 0
6c+ 23 0 3 20 0
6c 6 0 2 4 0
6b+ 50 0 5 45 0
6b 0 0 0 0 0
6a+ 74 0 16 58 0
6a 61 0 19 42 0
5+ 3 0 1 2 0
5 57 1 34 22 0
4+ 8 0 6 2 0
4 74 1 63 10 0
3+ 11 1 10 0 0
3 3 0 2 1 0
Ascent date
Ascent type
Lil Hueco Left
6A Boulder at The Quarry
6A The Quarry Boulder 2020-05-17
Masquerade (Left Sit)
7B Boulder at The Quarry
This is the better sit start to Masquerade. Far more natural and climbs more of the actual climb, at least for climbers my height.
7B The Quarry Boulder 2020-04-27
FA Red point
FA Red point
Evie to Levy
6B+ Boulder at Elephant Rocks
Fun climbing on crimps.
6B+ Elephant Rocks Boulder 2020-04-23
FA Red point
FA Red point
Rookies of the Future
3 Boulder at The Quarry
3 The Quarry Boulder 2020-04-07
Shark Attack
6A+ Boulder at The Quarry
6A+ The Quarry Boulder 2020-04-07
FA Red point
FA Red point
Birthday Gift
6B+ Boulder at Elephant Rocks
Really enjoyed this!
6B+ Elephant Rocks Boulder 2020-04-01
FA Red point
FA Red point
Warm Up Right
4 Boulder at Elephant Rocks
4 Elephant Rocks Boulder 2020-03-19
FA Red point
FA Red point
Warm Up Left
4 Boulder at Elephant Rocks
4 Elephant Rocks Boulder 2020-03-19
FA Red point
FA Red point
Warm Up Middle
5 Boulder at Elephant Rocks
5 Elephant Rocks Boulder 2020-03-19
FA Red point
FA Red point
Slightly Stoned
6A+ Boulder at Elephant Rocks
6A+ Elephant Rocks Boulder 2020-02-27
FA Red point
FA Red point
Jacob's Slab
4 Boulder at Elephant Rocks
4 Elephant Rocks Boulder 2020-02-27
Pinned Under
6A Boulder at Elephant Rocks
6A Elephant Rocks Boulder 2020-02-27
FA Red point
FA Red point
Trashy Blonde
5 Boulder at Elephant Rocks
A bunch of good things here in this area.
5 Elephant Rocks Boulder 2020-02-20
FA Red point
FA Red point
Chunky Biscuit
3+ Boulder at Elephant Rocks
3+ Elephant Rocks Boulder 2020-02-13
Crunchy Biscuit
4 Boulder at Elephant Rocks
4 Elephant Rocks Boulder 2020-02-13
Flaky Biscuit
5 Boulder at Elephant Rocks
5 Elephant Rocks Boulder 2020-02-13
Face Full of Willy (a.k.a. rub one out)
7A+ Boulder at Rattler Cliff
7A+ Rattler Cliff Boulder 2015-11-06
Red point
Red point
Teazy Fleaz Direct Exit
6C+ Boulder at The Quarry
7A+ (6C+) The Quarry Boulder 2015-02-08
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
7A+ Boulder at Rock Creek
7A+ Rock Creek Boulder 2014-12-12
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Dreaming Body
7A+ Boulder at Boulder City
Finally figured out a proper stand.
7A+ Boulder City Boulder 2014-11-25
FA Red point
FA Red point
3 Years Low
7A+ Boulder at Boulder City
7A+ Boulder City Boulder 2014-04-24
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
6B+ Boulder at Rattler Cliff
6B+ Rattler Cliff Boulder 2014-04-21
FA Red point
FA Red point
7B Boulder at The Quarry
7B The Quarry Boulder 2014-03-15
Red point
Red point
Masquerade (Right Sit)
7B+ Boulder at The Quarry
A bit dabby, but otherwise very fun.
7B+ The Quarry Boulder 2014-03-14
FA Red point
FA Red point
Fully Packed
6B+ Boulder at Lime Kiln Bouldering
6B+ Lime Kiln Bouldering Boulder 2014-01-18
FA Red point
FA Red point
7B Boulder at Rattler Cliff
7B+ (7B) Rattler Cliff Boulder 2013-10-10
Red point
Red point
7A+ Old Spanish Trail Side Boulders Boulder 2013-10-07
FA Red point
FA Red point
6C+ Boulder at Rattler Cliff
Really enjoyed this climb.
6C+ Rattler Cliff Boulder 2013-10-03
FA Red point
FA Red point
6B+ Boulder at Lime Kiln Bouldering
I wish people who shot here would just bring targets to shoot.
6B+ Lime Kiln Bouldering Boulder 2013-10-03
FA Red point
FA Red point
the Gradest Tool
6A+ Boulder at Rattler Cliff
6A+ Rattler Cliff Boulder 2013-09-29
6A Boulder at Roadside Boulder
6A Roadside Boulder Boulder 2013-07-05
FA Red point
FA Red point
5 Boulder at Green Ridge
5 Green Ridge Boulder 2013-05-02
FA Flash
FA Flash
Runner Slab
3 Boulder at Green Ridge
3 Green Ridge Boulder 2013-05-02
FA Flash
FA Flash
Disengenius Dyno
6C+ Boulder at Green Ridge
The sit start on this will be in the double digits.
6C+ Green Ridge Boulder 2013-05-02
FA Red point
FA Red point
Mexican Ladder
4 Boulder at Green Ridge
4 Green Ridge Boulder 2013-05-02
FA Flash
FA Flash
Hotel Chevalier
6C+ Boulder at Jacob's Hill
6C+ Jacob's Hill Boulder 2013-04-18
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Birthday Slab
2nd try. Full extension for me. I can definitely see this being tough for shorties.
6B+ La Jara Resevoir Bouldering Boulder 2013-04-01
FA Red point
FA Red point
Birthday Dyno
Fun dyno to sloper!
6C+ La Jara Resevoir Bouldering Boulder 2013-04-01
Red point
Red point
6C+ Boulder at The Quarry
6C+ The Quarry Boulder 2013-03-21
2nd Flash
2nd Flash
Red Lime Kill
7A+ Boulder at The Quarry
7A+ The Quarry Boulder 2013-03-21
Red point
Red point
The Moon and Antarctica
7A+ Boulder at The Quarry
7A+ The Quarry Boulder 2013-03-21
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
The Prick
6A+ Boulder at Elephant Rocks
6A+ Elephant Rocks Boulder 2013-03-13
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Masters of the Universe
7B Boulder at Manassa Bouldering
Great line!
7B Manassa Bouldering Boulder 2013-02-28
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
93 Till Infinity
7C Boulder at Manassa Bouldering
Had to fight for this. Amazing rock, fun moves.
7C Manassa Bouldering Boulder 2013-02-28
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
6B+ Boulder at Manassa Bouldering
6B+ Manassa Bouldering Boulder 2013-02-26
FA Red point
FA Red point
Scrambled Eggs
6A Boulder at Manassa Bouldering
6A Manassa Bouldering Boulder 2013-02-26
FA Flash
FA Flash
6B+ Boulder at Manassa Bouldering
6B+ Manassa Bouldering Boulder 2013-02-26
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Manassa Bouldering
Did I get the first on this?
6A Manassa Bouldering Boulder 2013-02-25
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
7C Boulder at Penitente Canyon
3rd ascent
7C Penitente Canyon Boulder 2013-02-19
Red point
Red point
6A+ Boulder at Tuft Side Boulders
6A+ Tuft Side Boulders Boulder 2013-02-18
FA Flash
FA Flash
The Consequentialist
6A+ Boulder at Tuft Side Boulders
2nd try
6A+ Tuft Side Boulders Boulder 2013-02-18
FA Red point
FA Red point
5 Boulder at Manassa Bouldering
5 Manassa Bouldering Boulder 2013-02-11
2nd Flash
2nd Flash
6C+ Boulder at Manassa Bouldering
6C+ Manassa Bouldering Boulder 2013-02-11
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
El Zángano
6B+ Boulder at Manassa Bouldering
6B+ Manassa Bouldering Boulder 2013-02-09
FA Red point
FA Red point
Camel Toe
4 Boulder at Manassa Bouldering
4 Manassa Bouldering Boulder 2013-02-09
FA Flash
FA Flash
4 Better or 4 Worse Sit
6C+ Boulder at The Pharcyde
Nice addition to the start!
6C+ The Pharcyde Boulder 2012-12-03
Red point
Red point
Snake Mouth
6A+ Boulder at New Joe's
Such a great problem!!
6A+ New Joe's Boulder 2012-11-26
Electric Fence
7B Boulder at Right Fork
Fun climbing!
7A+ (7B) Right Fork Boulder 2012-11-23
Red point
Red point
Safeway Select
4 Boulder at Nothingville
4 Nothingville Boulder 2012-11-08
FA Flash
FA Flash
Crumble Cake
6A Boulder at Nothingville
I enjoyed this, but I can't in good conscience recommend this to anyone else.
6A Nothingville Boulder 2012-11-07
FA Red point
FA Red point
Off Kilter
5 Boulder at Nothingville
Different, fun.
5 Nothingville Boulder 2012-11-07
FA Flash
FA Flash
Criminal Neglect
6A+ Boulder at Nothingville
Awesome crimps!
6A+ Nothingville Boulder 2012-11-07
FA Red point
FA Red point
Not my Bear to Cross
6A+ Boulder at The Quarry
6A+ The Quarry Boulder 2012-11-02
Red point
Red point
Baby Blue Sedan
6A Boulder at The Quarry
6A The Quarry Boulder 2012-11-02
Incognitive Generation
6A+ Boulder at The Quarry
6A+ The Quarry Boulder 2012-11-02
FA Red point
FA Red point
The Return
6B+ Boulder at The Quarry
6B+ The Quarry Boulder 2012-10-28
FA Red point
FA Red point
Patina'd Face Center
5 Boulder at The Quarry
5 The Quarry Boulder 2012-10-28
2nd Flash
2nd Flash
Patina'd Face Left
4 Boulder at The Quarry
4 The Quarry Boulder 2012-10-28
2nd Flash
2nd Flash
The Ranger
5 Boulder at The Quarry
Nice slab
5 The Quarry Boulder 2012-10-28
7A+ Boulder at The Quarry
One of the funnest climbs I have done here in the valley.
7A+ The Quarry Boulder 2012-10-26
FA Red point
FA Red point
Teenage Crime
5 Sport at Nothingville
Fun line. Just wish there was more of it.
5 Nothingville Sport 2012-07-18
2nd Flash
2nd Flash
6A+ Boulder at Boulder City
6B+ (6A+) Boulder City Boulder 2012-06-18
Red point
Red point
Collapsing Stars
5+ Sport at The Pharcyde
Fun hueco climbing.
5+ The Pharcyde Sport 2012-06-05
FA Red point
FA Red point
Morgan's Hop
6C Boulder at Elephant Rocks
6C Elephant Rocks Boulder 2012-04-14
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Skinny Love
6A+ Boulder at Lime Kiln Bouldering
6A+ Lime Kiln Bouldering Boulder 2012-03-25
FA Red point
FA Red point
4 Boulder at Elephant Rocks
4 Elephant Rocks Boulder 2012-03-15
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Elephant Rocks
6A Elephant Rocks Boulder 2012-03-15
Red point
Red point
Concupiscent Curds
6a Sport at Penitente Canyon
6a Penitente Canyon Sport 2012-03-14
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Pilar
2nd try
6B+ Pilar Boulder 2012-03-12
Red point
Red point
5 Boulder at Pilar
5 Pilar Boulder 2012-03-12
4 Boulder at Pilar
4 Pilar Boulder 2012-03-12
5+ Boulder at Pilar
4 (5+) Pilar Boulder 2012-03-12
6B+ Boulder at Pilar
6B+ Pilar Boulder 2012-03-12
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Pilar
6B+ Pilar Boulder 2012-03-12
6A+ Boulder at Pilar
6A+ Pilar Boulder 2012-03-12
Red point
Red point
Penis Puller
3+ Boulder at Elephant Rocks
4 (3+) Elephant Rocks Boulder 2012-03-09
6C+ Boulder at Elephant Rocks
6C+ Elephant Rocks Boulder 2012-03-09
Red point
Red point
Jack the stripper
6B+ Boulder at Elephant Rocks
6B+ Elephant Rocks Boulder 2012-03-09
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Elephant Rocks
5 (6A) Elephant Rocks Boulder 2012-03-08
Depends on You
6B+ Boulder at Elephant Rocks
Stopped at crimp match.
6B+ Elephant Rocks Boulder 2012-03-02
Red point
Red point
Selsun Left
6A Boulder at Elephant Rocks
6A Elephant Rocks Boulder 2012-03-02
Selsun Power
5 Boulder at Elephant Rocks
5 Elephant Rocks Boulder 2012-03-02
4 Boulder at Elephant Rocks
4 Elephant Rocks Boulder 2012-02-09
Huecos Away
4 Boulder at Elephant Rocks
Amazing holds, beautiful problem
4 Elephant Rocks Boulder 2012-02-07
See Through Fools
5 Boulder at Elephant Rocks
5 Elephant Rocks Boulder 2012-02-07
Red point
Red point
Tiger's Blood Stand
6A Boulder at Lime Kiln Bouldering
6A Lime Kiln Bouldering Boulder 2012-01-17
FA Red point
FA Red point
Stand Tuition
4 Boulder at Lime Kiln Bouldering
4 Lime Kiln Bouldering Boulder 2012-01-17
FA Flash
FA Flash
Sit Tuition
4+ Boulder at Lime Kiln Bouldering
4+ Lime Kiln Bouldering Boulder 2012-01-17
FA Flash
FA Flash
Surf Report
7A+ Boulder at Pilar
This is a v6?
6C+ (7A+) Pilar Boulder 2011-12-27
Red point
Red point
Trickle Down Effect
6B+ Boulder at Lime Kiln Bouldering
Exciting topout.
6B+ Lime Kiln Bouldering Boulder 2011-11-27
FA Red point
FA Red point