
Yearly top 10 averages
8A 0 0 0
7C+ 1 0 1
7C 3 0 3
7B+ 3 0 3
7B 5 0 5
7A+ 16 0 16
7A 20 1 19
6C+ 9 0 9
6C 30 2 28
6B+ 19 1 18
6B 28 1 27
6A+ 23 9 14
6A 39 20 19
5+ 10 8 2
5 17 14 3
4+ 4 4 0
4 5 4 1
3+ 1 1 0
3 9 8 1
Route Grade Crag Type Ascent date Ascent type
Easy kitty lemon squeezy
3 Boulder at Dalsjöfors
Nice climbing around the arete
3 Dalsjöfors Boulder 2024-06-23
Purrfect crimpurrs
5 Boulder at Dalsjöfors
5 Dalsjöfors Boulder 2024-06-22
Baby Colossus
6B Boulder at Burträsk
Worthwhile addition to have the top part of the Colossus project as its own boulder. Nice and techy moves and an easy but blind dead-point to gain the top.
6b Burträsk Boulder 2023-08-16
FA Red point
FA Red point
Quick Ben
7A Boulder at Jonberget
Almost flash. Cool start move.
7a Jonberget Boulder 2023-08-09
FA Red point
FA Red point
6C Boulder at Jonberget
No stars, only done for completion. the version including the boulder to the right climbs much nicer. Pretty morpho.
6c Jonberget Boulder 2023-08-09
FA Red point
FA Red point
7C Boulder at Häller boulder
Really cool boulder with some seriously weird beta to set up for the crux. Strange that nobody has done it before, feels really obvious to go straight up from the start jug. Three star movement, but visually there are more striking lines in Häller.
7c Häller boulder Boulder 2023-07-27
FA Red point
FA Red point
Looping Louise
? Boulder at Stenarna
Quite techy and shouldery on small gaston crimps with an awkward move to the top. A bit morpho, could just about latch the slopey part of the lip in a semi-static way. Nice addition to the SID block.
? Stenarna Boulder 2022-10-12
FA Red point
FA Red point
Bagsy me (after break)
? Boulder at Stenarna
Quintessential Moonboard style crimper test piece that requires quite a bit of precision until the final throw to the lip, where you can be pretty desperate and still catch a big swing. Good moves on nasty holds.
? Stenarna Boulder 2022-09-29
FA Red point
FA Red point
Dr. Acula
6A+ Boulder at Gummark
6a+ Gummark Boulder 2022-09-07
FA Red point
FA Red point
Plutonium loveship
6C Boulder at Nybruksberget
Tricky feet in the beginning and big moves at the end.
6c Nybruksberget Boulder 2022-08-19
FA Red point
FA Red point
Flying Indra
7A+ Boulder at Degerberget
One mover, but really nice. Managed to do the dyno more like a half-dynamic deadpoint. Shouldery swing!
7a+ Degerberget Boulder 2022-08-14
FA Red point
FA Red point
Really good holds and decent moves.
6a+ Norra Degerberget (berget) Boulder 2022-08-09
FA Flash
FA Flash
Style is for the nightclub
6C+ Boulder at Stöverberget
Interesting moves, but not quite as smooth climbing as its neighbor to the left.
6c (6c+) Stöverberget Boulder 2022-08-05
FA Red point
FA Red point
The sloper and me: Beginner's edition
6B Boulder at Ljusvattnetblocket
One move wonder. For a more challenging version of the same problem try "The sloper and me" at Risberget.
6b Ljusvattnetblocket Boulder 2022-06-14
FA Red point
FA Red point
Kitty traverse
6C Boulder at Ljusvattnetblocket
Pretty nice problem with good flow. A bit trickier than it might appear.
6c Ljusvattnetblocket Boulder 2022-06-14
FA Red point
FA Red point
Knee-jerk reaction
6A Boulder at Klutmarkberget
Grade can be anything depending on length/reach.
6a Klutmarkberget Boulder 2021-08-01
FA Red point
FA Red point
Lock 'n load
6A Boulder at Klutmarkberget
6a Klutmarkberget Boulder 2021-08-01
FA Red point
FA Red point
? Boulder at Hamnberget
An interesting addition to the balance slab. Good mantle training.
? Hamnberget Boulder 2020-08-21
FA Red point
FA Red point
Home delivery
? Boulder at Selsberget
Elimination, but fun moves.
? Selsberget Boulder 2020-08-18
FA Red point
FA Red point
7A+ Boulder at Burträsk
Unusual, but fun moves in the beginning. Nice addition to Enzo. Funny to find a new problem after 5 years on one of the most climbed boulders in the region.
7a+ Burträsk Boulder 2020-07-26
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Point of View Gun
? Boulder at Finnträsk
Basically one move plus the top-out, but that move is a banger!
? Finnträsk Boulder 2020-07-24
FA Red point
FA Red point
Total Perspective Vortex
? Boulder at Finnträsk
IMO one of the best blocs in Skellefteå. Super obvious start holds, two small crimps, and a big dead-point to the perfectly round lip. Great vision, Petter!!
? Finnträsk Boulder 2020-07-24
FA Red point
FA Red point
? Boulder at Burön
Interesting moves on small crimps. Depending on body size the beta can become completely different. Changed my beta for the start and it affected how I solved all the other moves.
? Burön Boulder 2020-07-11
FA Red point
FA Red point
? Boulder at Stationsberget
FA? One move wonder, but quite cool as it is tricky to establish in a position from which you can generate momentum.
? Stationsberget Boulder 2020-06-27
FA Red point
FA Red point
Clutch player
6B Boulder at Stationsberget
6b Stationsberget Boulder 2020-06-27
FA Red point
FA Red point
Buy the Ticket, Take the Ride (SDS)
6A Boulder at Gummark
5+ (6a) Gummark Boulder 2020-06-06
FA Red point
FA Red point
Spaceship Crashpad
6A+ Boulder at Gummark
Nice lowball!
6a+ Gummark Boulder 2020-06-06
FA Flash
FA Flash
I´m not a pessimist, I´m an optometrist
7C+ Boulder at Risberget
One of the best lines in Skellefteå, a future classic! Has everything you want in a boulder problem: a proud line with awesome and varied movement, good rock quality and a potential heart-breaker move towards the end.
7c+ Risberget Boulder 2020-05-30
FA Red point
FA Red point
Brokeback Mountain (after break)
7A Boulder at Burträsk
Slightly harder after the best hold on the whole problem broke. Pretty nice technical climbing, with a committing dead point to the top.
7a Burträsk Boulder 2020-05-23
FA Red point
FA Red point
Pure Extacy
7B+ Boulder at Burträsk
Finally done after 7-8 sessions over 3 years. One of the few times where I think the elimination make the more beautiful and logical line.
7b+ Burträsk Boulder 2020-05-23
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Friends with the Benedicts
5+ Boulder at Nybruksberget
Another easier problem with interesting moves.
5+ Nybruksberget Boulder 2020-05-21
FA Flash
FA Flash
Get two birds stoned at once
5+ Boulder at Nybruksberget
Surprisingly nice and technical moves.
5+ Nybruksberget Boulder 2020-05-21
FA Flash
FA Flash
Denial and Error
7A Boulder at Nybruksberget
Seemed to be a quite stupid problem at first, but then it turned out to be super interesting, with a funky knee-bar, kind-of mantel move. Done with knee-pad.
7a Nybruksberget Boulder 2020-05-21
FA Red point
FA Red point
Worst Case Ontario
5 Boulder at Nybruksberget
Maybe the worst problem in an area full of good problems.
5 Nybruksberget Boulder 2020-05-21
FA Red point
FA Red point
Rocket appliances
5+ Boulder at Nybruksberget
Interesting moves all the way through.
5+ Nybruksberget Boulder 2020-05-21
FA Red point
FA Red point
Supply and command
6A Boulder at Nybruksberget
Quite nice for an eliminate.
6a Nybruksberget Boulder 2020-05-21
FA Red point
FA Red point
Escape Goat
6B+ Boulder at Nybruksberget
Morpho but nice! Sit start marginally harder than the stand.
6b+ Nybruksberget Boulder 2020-05-21
FA Red point
FA Red point
Split it 50/50
6A Boulder at Nybruksberget
Equally nice as the sit start, but more even in difficulty.
6a Nybruksberget Boulder 2020-05-21
FA Red point
FA Red point
Split it 50/50/50
6B+ Boulder at Nybruksberget
A bit cruxy in the beginning, but really nice move, and superb sloper/jug rails. Proud line!
6b+ Nybruksberget Boulder 2020-05-21
FA Red point
FA Red point
Indianapolis Jones
6A+ Boulder at Nybruksberget
Nice one! Easier then I thought it would be.
6a+ Nybruksberget Boulder 2020-05-21
FA Flash
FA Flash
I’m mowing the air Rand, I’m mowing the air!
6C Boulder at Gravfältsten
As good as it gets for such a low ball, only the getting into the starting position is a bit weird.
6c Gravfältsten Boulder 2020-05-14
FA Red point
FA Red point
The liquor will do the driving, then we’ll just kick back on booze control!
6B Boulder at Gravfältsten
A feeling of Font.
6b Gravfältsten Boulder 2020-05-14
FA Red point
FA Red point
Lim Jahey, pleased to meet ya, bud!
6C Boulder at Gravfältsten
Not super nice, but the right-hand start hold is so cool that it needs to be climbed. The crux is to get your butt off the ground and establish for the first move.
6c Gravfältsten Boulder 2020-05-14
FA Red point
FA Red point
Herman the Merman SDS
6A Boulder at Burön
I think this one can be climbed in a much more dignified way than I did.
6a Burön Boulder 2020-05-06
FA Flash
FA Flash
5 Boulder at Burön
Looks better than it climbs.
5+ (5) Burön Boulder 2020-05-06
FA Flash
FA Flash
6C Boulder at Burön
Quite cool moves in the beginning.
6c Burön Boulder 2020-05-06
FA Red point
FA Red point
Abradolf Lincler
? Boulder at Tjärnstenen
Basically a one move wonder, but that move is cool. Had to top-out to the left, which is more difficult, I think, because the other side of the arete was wet.
? Tjärnstenen Boulder 2020-04-19
FA Red point
FA Red point
The Colonel
7B Boulder at Hundberget
Many different betas tested for the last part, at the end it was arguably the most obvious one that worked.
7b Hundberget Boulder 2020-04-11
FA Red point
FA Red point
The sloper and me
? Boulder at Risberget
That's what happens when you want to completely milk a boulder. Found the sloper hold (worse angle than the bad slopers on the Beastmaker 2000, but better friction), and wondered if it's possible to hang-on to it. Eventually it worked, and eventually the problem went down. One-move wonder. 7ish.
9a+ (?) Risberget Boulder 2020-04-04
FA Red point
FA Red point
Walk the line
? Boulder at Jonberget
Many small high precision moves on slopey crimps. Quite fun working it out and finally sending it. Grade: 7something
? Jonberget Boulder 2019-10-06
FA Red point
FA Red point
7A Boulder at Gummark
Low ball, does not look very inspiring, but the moves are interesting and require precision. Might be hard for the grade, prime conditions in autumn will tell.
7a Gummark Boulder 2019-07-02
FA Red point
FA Red point
Inte så säkert
6B Boulder at Flakaberget
Tricky first move. Requires both precision and some power.
6b Flakaberget Boulder 2019-06-30
FA Red point
FA Red point
Hello saferide: anything goes
6C+ Boulder at Flakaberget
Interesting movement on okay holds with pretty good rock quality. Might be stiff for the grade, who knows.
6c+ Flakaberget Boulder 2019-06-30
FA Red point
FA Red point
Bens highball
6A Boulder at Flakaberget
Gave it a grade boost because of the height and somewhat sketchy top-out. Burned the flash by being cocky trying it in my worn-out sneakers, but bailed at the top.
6a+ (6a) Flakaberget Boulder 2019-06-30
FA Red point
FA Red point
Picasso´s muse
7A Boulder at Flakaberget
Not that high, but super clean line, abstract shape and funky movement revolving around 2 nano-crimps. Very body-position and length-dependent. I can imagine this to be desperate for some and rather easy for others.
7a Flakaberget Boulder 2019-06-30
FA Red point
FA Red point
Nearly a French kiss
6A+ Boulder at Gummark
One move wonder. Too bad the sit-start is annoyingly blocked by the rock behind. Could have been a super cool line.
6a+ Gummark Boulder 2019-06-02
FA Flash
FA Flash
Vårsolsareten sit-start
6B+ Boulder at Gummark
Completes the full line.
6b+ Gummark Boulder 2019-06-02
FA Red point
FA Red point
Fokus Grillkorv
7B Boulder at Gummark
First move hardest. Overall nice flow and powerful moves on crimps.
7b Gummark Boulder 2019-05-30
FA Red point
FA Red point
Sneak Attack
6C+ Boulder at Gummark
More stars if it wouldn't be an elimination. For a bigger challenge try to dyno to the top!
6c+ Gummark Boulder 2019-05-26
FA Red point
FA Red point
Sneaky Pete
6A Boulder at Gummark
Tricky feet!
6a Gummark Boulder 2019-05-26
FA Flash
FA Flash
6C Boulder at Risberget
The whole line is pretty forced, if you don't like eliminations, stay away. But the moves are fun and it is instructive if you want to learn big compression moves, where you have to pull hard with your heel or toe.
6c Risberget Boulder 2019-05-21
FA Red point
FA Red point
One Punch Mickey
7B+ Boulder at Fagerviksberget
Very cool moves. Pure compression! Felt much more solid this year compared to last autumn. Warm recommendation!!
7b+ Fagerviksberget Boulder 2019-05-18
FA Red point
FA Red point
Kate Moss
4 Boulder at Risberget
Nice and easy slab. Climbed it as a very contrived elimination which made it quite a bit more difficult and sketchy. But I recommend to climb the natural line, just following the arete in the easiest way possible.
4 Risberget Boulder 2019-04-30
FA Red point
FA Red point
7A+ Boulder at Burträsk
Did it quite fast with the "new" beta that goes left to a left-hand crimp. Maybe that was the old beta anyhow. Was also close to doing it really straight up, but that would be more like 7B+.
7a+ Burträsk Boulder 2018-06-06
Red point
Red point
Brokeback Mountain
6C+ Boulder at Burträsk
Straight-up crimp line. Unfortunately I pulled off one fo the key crimps when going for the lip. Now it's a bigger crimp, but with a worse orientation.
6c+ Burträsk Boulder 2018-05-26
FA Red point
FA Red point
Moe aka Birthday Boulder
7A+ Boulder at Risberget
Birthday present to myself. One hard move. Maybe someone can find easier beta.
7b (7a+) Risberget Boulder 2018-05-24
FA Red point
FA Red point
7A Boulder at Risberget
Fontish moves on slopers with the crux at the end. Might be easier with the crispy friction of low temperatures.
7a Risberget Boulder 2018-05-20
FA Red point
FA Red point
6B Boulder at Risberget
Kind of annoying to arrange the pad and get into the starting position on this lowball, but the moves are actually quite cool! Felt like 6B+/6Cish, but some holds were a bit moist => probably easier.
6b Risberget Boulder 2018-05-05
FA Red point
FA Red point
Swiss Porcelain
6C Boulder at Risberget
Never thought I would do the FA of a slab problem that is not completely trivial. Interesting moves in the beginning, and a little sketchy ending. 2.5/3 stars. The grade could be anywhere between 6B and 7A, I have no clue.
6c Risberget Boulder 2018-05-05
FA Red point
FA Red point
Swiss Gold
6C Boulder at Risberget
Burned the flash by pulling onto the starting holds and exclaiming that the first move is "absolutely unreasonable", then dropping off. After Petter convinced me that it's absolutely not unreasonable, I sent it second try. 1.5/3 stars
6c Risberget Boulder 2018-05-05
FA Red point
FA Red point
Swiss Diamond
7A+ Boulder at Risberget
Fantastic moves, the first one in particular is one of the best I did in a while. Quite even all the way up! Really good rock quality. My grading radar is all over the place but should be somewhere between 7A-7B.
7a+ Risberget Boulder 2018-05-05
FA Red point
FA Red point
En Stor Kram från Lille Skutt
7C Boulder at Stenarna
The first move sets the grade, basically. Brutal and delicate, difficult timing to catch the left arete. Afterwards, 2-3 fun moves with heel- and toe-hooks to reach the stand start. Always weird feeling when you send a problem with the first move as the crux. In projecting mode you try and try and try, finally you stick it, and suddenly it's on and you have to go into full send-mode. 30 seconds later it's over.
7c Stenarna Boulder 2018-04-27
FA Red point
FA Red point
7C Boulder at Burträsk
Fantastic problem with funky movement, requires both a lot of power and technique! Long physical and mental battle over 10+ sessions.
7c Burträsk Boulder 2017-07-20
FA Red point
FA Red point
Juggernaut assis
6A Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
Good for warm up
5 (6a) Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2016-10-22
7A+ Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
Good flow, pretty even difficulty all the way with a gnarly mantle onto the headwall. Luckily, we got a nice send-train going :) Feels soft in the grade.
7a (7a+) Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2016-10-22
Red point
Red point
Moves like Jagger
7A+ Boulder at Jonberget
New Skellefteå Classic. Had to do the original beta in a dynamic way to reach the top. Took many, many tries and a fair amount of skin.
7a+ Jonberget Boulder 2016-10-09
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Burträsk
What problem!! The highlight of my climbing life, so far. Powerful, technical, and slightly scary at the top. Everything you want in one boulder problem. Thought it could go after 4 sessions, but at the end it was 6.
7c Burträsk Boulder 2016-08-24
Red point
Red point
Stenbrottstango left
6A Boulder at Vitberget
Nothing special
6a Vitberget Boulder 2016-08-17
FA Red point
FA Red point
Funky belly
7A Boulder at Vitberget
I liked that one. The line is so clean, totally obvious from the beginning. To me that has a certain aesthetic.
7a Vitberget Boulder 2016-08-17
FA Red point
FA Red point
6B+ Boulder at Vitberget
Hangboard style holds, quite cool, actually
6b+ Vitberget Boulder 2016-08-17
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Morön's slab
3 Boulder at Morön
Climbed it without cleaning.
3 Morön Boulder 2016-07-23
FA Flash
FA Flash
4+ Boulder at Morön
Not too bad.
4+ Morön Boulder 2016-07-23
FA Flash
FA Flash
4+ Boulder at Morön
Start holds will break soon. Aesthetic rock, the line is just one move.
4+ Morön Boulder 2016-07-23
FA Flash
FA Flash
Hjortron (Dyno)
7A+ Boulder at Jonberget
Not a super big fan of dynos, but that one was cool. More about technique and timing than pure strength. Hard to grade.
7a+ Jonberget Boulder 2016-07-21
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Jonberget
I don't know about the other climbers, but I found a beta without a dyno. Felt exactly like the 6B+ problems I did in Squamish.
6b+ Jonberget Boulder 2016-07-19
Red point
Red point
Meshuggah (vänster)
6C Boulder at Jonberget
I don't know if it's possible to flash the problem after doing the real Meshuggah. Did it the variation in the first try at least. Surprisingly fun!
6c Jonberget Boulder 2016-07-19
2nd Flash
2nd Flash
Super Fly
6B+ Boulder at Chief Boulders
Nice moves, took me some time to find the right beta, even though it's quite straight forward once found.
6c (6b+) Chief Boulders Boulder 2016-07-07
Red point
Red point
Black Mark
6B+ Boulder at Chief Boulders
6b+ Chief Boulders Boulder 2016-07-06
Red point
Red point
6A+ Boulder at Chief Boulders
Short and powerful!
6a+ Chief Boulders Boulder 2016-07-05
The Mantis
6B+ Boulder at Chief Boulders
Friction was not so good.
6c (6b+) Chief Boulders Boulder 2016-07-05
Red point
Red point
Sloppy Poppy
6B+ Boulder at Chief Boulders
I think the top-out was pretty tough, otherwise the grade sounds about right.
6c+ (6b+) Chief Boulders Boulder 2016-07-05
Red point
Red point
7A+ Boulder at Stenarna
Punted hard on the top out once, got super angry with myself. Sent it in rage 30 minutes and about 10 tries after. Quite fun overall!
7a+ Stenarna Boulder 2016-06-22
Red point
Red point
7B Boulder at Jonberget
At first sight this problem didn't impress me at all, but once I tried the moves I realized how cool it is!! Had to put in a real fight. Probably around 20 serious tries in the second session. INTENSE!
7b Jonberget Boulder 2016-06-20
Red point
Red point
7B Boulder at Burträsk
Three stars, even though it's chipped! Great flow at the beginning and a delicate crux sequence before the throw to the final jug.
7b Burträsk Boulder 2016-06-11
Red point
Red point
Vilde Vincent
6C Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
Gym style moves
6c Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2016-05-20
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Brändön
Aaarrgh, that was flashable, but not if you mess up the foot-beta :) Nice problem anyhow!
6c+ (7a) Brändön Boulder 2016-05-14
Red point
Red point
Tändhatt direkt
7A+ Boulder at Brändön
Felt a bit soft, had pretty good conditions, though.
7a+ Brändön Boulder 2016-05-14
Red point
Red point
Jag är för kort
7A+ Boulder at Brändön
Unusual moves, fits me well!
7a+ Brändön Boulder 2016-05-14
Red point
Red point
Lock off right
6C Boulder at Stenarna
Cool moves, but the rock hurts. Nice for warming up before projecting Better than Art :)
6c Stenarna Boulder 2016-04-14
Red point
Red point
Lock off
6C Boulder at Stenarna
6c Stenarna Boulder 2016-04-10
Red point
Red point
Gros Sablons
6A+ Boulder at Håkmark
6a (6a+) Håkmark Boulder 2016-04-01
3 Boulder at Håkmark
4 (3) Håkmark Boulder 2016-04-01
Motion Emotion
6B Boulder at Håkmark
6b Håkmark Boulder 2016-04-01
Red point
Red point
Boulder Balcony II
6C+ Boulder at Håkmark
6c+ Håkmark Boulder 2016-04-01
Red point
Red point
The shape of stone to come
5 Boulder at Döraberget
4 (5) Döraberget Boulder 2016-03-28
7A Boulder at Döraberget
Two tries. One difficult move to a sloper ledge with kinda strange body positioning. Nice one!
7a Döraberget Boulder 2016-03-28
Red point
Red point
6C+ Boulder at Jävre Högberget
No single move is really hard, but it adds up.
6c+ Jävre Högberget Boulder 2015-11-01
Red point
Red point
Tom and Butch (sitt)
6C+ Boulder at Jävre Högberget
Two hard moves. Profited from insane friction! Feels like an obvious line.
6c+ Jävre Högberget Boulder 2015-11-01
FA Red point
FA Red point
Crispy fingers
6A Boulder at Burträsk
Good warm-up problem. Nice moves on rather good holds. Creds to Petter for finding and brushing the problem.
6a Burträsk Boulder 2015-10-10
FA Flash
FA Flash
Behind The Power
6B Boulder at Burträsk
2nd ascent? No problems with dabbing. Used a heel-hook.
6b Burträsk Boulder 2015-10-03
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
6C Boulder at Burträsk
6c Burträsk Boulder 2015-10-03
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Stenarna
this one tested my nerves. still a cool problem.
7a Stenarna Boulder 2015-10-01
Red point
Red point
Bullarna sitt
6C Boulder at Stenarna
Funny first move. 1-2 stars. 2nd ascent??
6c Stenarna Boulder 2015-10-01
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
6A Boulder at Stenarna
good flow
6a Stenarna Boulder 2015-09-29
6C Boulder at Burträsk
6c Burträsk Boulder 2015-09-27
Red point
Red point
Kompressionstango (morpho)
6B Boulder at Burträsk
6b Burträsk Boulder 2015-09-12
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
6B+ Boulder at Burträsk
I think this problem is a bit more fun for tall climbers.
6c (6b+) Burträsk Boulder 2015-09-12
Red point
Red point
6A+ Boulder at Döraberget
Cool sequence in the middle.
6a+ Döraberget Boulder 2015-09-11
Red point
Red point
3 Boulder at Döraberget
3 Döraberget Boulder 2015-09-11
Captain America
4 Boulder at Döraberget
4 Döraberget Boulder 2015-09-11
3+ Boulder at Döraberget
3+ Döraberget Boulder 2015-09-11
Tysk techno tanz
6C Boulder at Döraberget
To me the start feels a bit forced, it also doesn't really add to the difficulty of the problem.
6b+ (6c) Döraberget Boulder 2015-09-11
Red point
Red point
Pau deluxe
6B Boulder at Burträsk
Clear line!!
6a+ (6b) Burträsk Boulder 2015-09-10
Red point
Red point
6A+ Boulder at Burträsk
6a+ Burträsk Boulder 2015-09-03
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Burträsk
Nice rock quality but the moves are not so great.
6a Burträsk Boulder 2015-09-03
7A Boulder at Burträsk
Enzo is really good, but Lorenzo is even better. Great flow. Slightly harder.
7a Burträsk Boulder 2015-09-03
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Burträsk
Really good line.
6c+ (7a) Burträsk Boulder 2015-09-03
Red point
Red point
Jose med träbenet
5 Boulder at Bjässvik
5 Bjässvik Boulder 2015-09-01
Red point
Red point
Street Legal
5 Boulder at Burträsk
5 Burträsk Boulder 2015-08-29
Red point
Red point
Changing of the guards
6A+ Boulder at Burträsk
6a (6a+) Burträsk Boulder 2015-08-29
7A Boulder at Burträsk
Like an indoor boulder problem :) Had a minimal swish/dab on the crashpad, though.
6c+ (7a) Burträsk Boulder 2015-08-29
7A Boulder at Burträsk
Great line! This area gets better and better. Super psyched!
7a Burträsk Boulder 2015-08-29
Red point
Red point
Elvis the pelvis
7A+ Boulder at Hamnskär
Weird problem. Crazy, almost upside down start. To be honest, I enjoyed this problem quite much! Hard to grade, but certainly harder than Charter.
7a+ Hamnskär Boulder 2015-08-16
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
6B Boulder at Hamnskär
6b Hamnskär Boulder 2015-08-16
Red point
Red point
6A+ Boulder at Hamnskär
6b (6a+) Hamnskär Boulder 2015-08-16
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Hamnskär
Great crux move!
7a Hamnskär Boulder 2015-08-16
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Hamnskär
6a+ (6a) Hamnskär Boulder 2015-08-15
Red point
Red point
North power
7B Boulder at Bjuröklubb
Finally!! The new beta is gold, still a tough problem!
7b Bjuröklubb Boulder 2015-08-13
Red point
Red point
Trappan vänster
6A Boulder at Burträsk
I don't want to throw too many stars around, but there is no denying that this is a nice problem.
5+ (6a) Burträsk Boulder 2015-08-09
Trappan höger
6B Boulder at Burträsk
Such a nice flow. Even the top-out is fits!
6a+ (6b) Burträsk Boulder 2015-08-09
Red point
Red point
5 Boulder at Burträsk
5 Burträsk Boulder 2015-08-06
Hår på fötterna
6A Boulder at Burträsk
6a+ (6a) Burträsk Boulder 2015-08-06
Red point
Red point
Nice ass problem
6A+ Boulder at Burträsk
6a (6a+) Burträsk Boulder 2015-08-06
Burträsk drew first blood
6B Boulder at Burträsk
Almost flashed it. Slipped with the feet before doing the first move. Nice problem anyhow. Cool heel hooks
6a+ (6b) Burträsk Boulder 2015-08-06
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at Burträsk
Andra försök!
6b Burträsk Boulder 2015-08-06
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Burträsk
Long moves on good holds.
6c Burträsk Boulder 2015-08-06
Red point
Red point
Golden Canyon
7A Boulder at Burträsk
Awesome line. Pumpy
7a Burträsk Boulder 2015-08-06
Red point
Red point
6A+ Boulder at Juniskär
6a (6a+) Juniskär Boulder 2015-08-05
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Småbakkan
6a Småbakkan Boulder 2015-08-04
Bare behn
3 Boulder at Småbakkan
3 Småbakkan Boulder 2015-08-04
Kort og godt
3 Boulder at Småbakkan
4 (3) Småbakkan Boulder 2015-08-04
4 Boulder at Småbakkan
5 (4) Småbakkan Boulder 2015-08-04
5 Boulder at Småbakkan
5 Småbakkan Boulder 2015-08-04
5 Boulder at Småbakkan
5 Småbakkan Boulder 2015-08-04
4+ Boulder at Småbakkan
5 (4+) Småbakkan Boulder 2015-08-04
6B+ Boulder at Juniskär
Felt hard in the context of other boulders in the area.
6c (6b+) Juniskär Boulder 2015-08-01
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Juniskär
6a Juniskär Boulder 2015-08-01
6A Boulder at Juniskär
6a Juniskär Boulder 2015-08-01
6A Boulder at Juniskär
6a Juniskär Boulder 2015-08-01
Red point
Red point
Fire and Rain
6B+ Boulder at Juniskär
6a+ (6b+) Juniskär Boulder 2015-08-01
Red point
Red point
6A+ Boulder at Småbakkan
Sketchy last moves to the ledge.
6b (6a+) Småbakkan Boulder 2015-07-25
Red point
Red point
3 Boulder at Småbakkan
4 (3) Småbakkan Boulder 2015-07-25
Kanten variation
6A Boulder at Småbakkan
6a Småbakkan Boulder 2015-07-25
5 Boulder at Småbakkan
5 Småbakkan Boulder 2015-07-25
Thin crack
3 Boulder at Småbakkan
4 (3) Småbakkan Boulder 2015-07-25
Red point
Red point
Nice crack
3 Boulder at Småbakkan
3 Småbakkan Boulder 2015-07-25
Don´t take stealing for granted
7A Boulder at Selsberget
Session flash. The Brutalix version feels more pure.
7a Selsberget Boulder 2015-07-16
Red point
Red point
7A+ Boulder at Selsberget
Straight forward, no tricks. Awesome dyno to perfect ledge. Maybe harder.
7a+ Selsberget Boulder 2015-07-14
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Nice to the ocean. FA Nicole Douvern
4+ Boulder at Avanäs (Lövånger)
One of the best easy problems in the area.
4+ Avanäs (Lövånger) Boulder 2015-07-13
Lilla fossingen
5 Boulder at Avanäs (Lövånger)
4 (5) Avanäs (Lövånger) Boulder 2015-07-13
6A Boulder at Avanäs (Lövånger)
6a Avanäs (Lövånger) Boulder 2015-07-13
6B+ Boulder at Avanäs (Lövånger)
6b (6b+) Avanäs (Lövånger) Boulder 2015-07-13
Red point
Red point
Just go
7A Boulder at Bjuröklubb
7a Bjuröklubb Boulder 2015-07-12
Red point
Red point
I Skuggan Av Stenen
6A Boulder at Avanäs (Lövånger)
6a Avanäs (Lövånger) Boulder 2015-07-05
Ett hav av bajs
6B Boulder at Avanäs (Lövånger)
After being disillusioned from the difficulty of the traverse project we found this problem. Unfortunately it was rather disappointing to say the least. -1 star!
6b Avanäs (Lövånger) Boulder 2015-07-05
FA Red point
FA Red point
7A+ Boulder at Avanäs (Lövånger)
The first three moves are just flawless. Delicate and powerful at the same time! Used a toehook to match on the second hold.
7a+ Avanäs (Lövånger) Boulder 2015-07-05
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Tjärnstenen
Nice top-out!
6b+ Tjärnstenen Boulder 2015-05-21
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Tjärnstenen
I can't decide between 1 and 2 stars :) Probably nicer for tall people.
6c Tjärnstenen Boulder 2015-05-21
Red point
Red point
5+ Boulder at Skravel 2
6a (5+) Skravel 2 Boulder 2015-05-16
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Skravel 2
6c Skravel 2 Boulder 2015-05-16
Red point
Red point
The Sausage Traverse
6C+ Boulder at Mosjön
Funky start! Nice flow.
6c (6c+) Mosjön Boulder 2015-05-16
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Mosjön
Got a bit scared at the end, but a really nice line.
6b+ (6c) Mosjön Boulder 2015-05-14
Red point
Red point
Retro Claim This
7A Boulder at Mosjön
7a Mosjön Boulder 2015-05-14
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Mosjön
6a Mosjön Boulder 2015-05-14
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Stenarna
6b+ Stenarna Boulder 2015-05-08
Red point
Red point
No dancing
5 Boulder at Stenarna
5 Stenarna Boulder 2015-05-08
Dirty dancer
6A Boulder at Stenarna
6a Stenarna Boulder 2015-05-08
Red point
Red point
Fette Sau
6A Boulder at Stenarna
6a Stenarna Boulder 2015-05-07
FA Red point
FA Red point
I rörelse
6B Boulder at Stenarna
Great flow with a worthy ending!
6a+ (6b) Stenarna Boulder 2015-05-07
2nd Flash
2nd Flash
6B Boulder at Stenarna
6b Stenarna Boulder 2015-05-07
Red point
Red point
Lille skutt
6C Boulder at Stenarna
6b+ (6c) Stenarna Boulder 2015-05-07
Red point
Red point
Straight up
6A+ Boulder at Bjuröklubb
6a+ Bjuröklubb Boulder 2015-05-04
Red point
Red point
Single catch
6B Boulder at Bjuröklubb
Awesome rock quality. A lot of fun to try!
6b+ (6b) Bjuröklubb Boulder 2015-05-04
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at Bjuröklubb
6b Bjuröklubb Boulder 2015-05-04
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Storhamnsblocken
Only the last move is a little weird.
6c+ (6c) Storhamnsblocken Boulder 2015-05-03
Red point
Red point
Måste lära mig mantla
6B Boulder at Jonberget
6b Jonberget Boulder 2015-04-29
Red point
Red point
Hängande stenen
6A+ Boulder at Jonberget
Cool moves!! Maybe 6B
6a+ Jonberget Boulder 2015-04-29
Spänn assis
6C Boulder at Jonberget
6a+ (6c) Jonberget Boulder 2015-04-29
7A Boulder at Döraberget
Quite a special problem. Hard!
7a+ (7a) Döraberget Boulder 2015-04-25
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Chilla med Kerstin
6A Boulder at Döraberget
6a Döraberget Boulder 2015-04-12
4 Boulder at Döraberget
4 Döraberget Boulder 2015-04-11
Muräna Ståstart
6A Boulder at Döraberget
6a Döraberget Boulder 2015-04-11
Calm like a bomb
6A+ Boulder at Döraberget
6a+ Döraberget Boulder 2015-04-11
Red point
Red point
Crimp ´n go
6C Boulder at Bjuröklubb
very sketchy top-out ... the seal technique works ;)
6c+ (6c) Bjuröklubb Boulder 2014-10-18
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Midskogsberget Boulder
6b+ (6c) Midskogsberget Boulder Boulder 2014-09-20
Red point
Red point
7A+ Boulder at Selsberget
One of the best lines in the Skellefteå area. Very sustained moves. To me, every move up to the ledge becomes gradually harder.
7a+ Selsberget Boulder 2014-09-11
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Selsberget
6b+ Selsberget Boulder 2014-09-06
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Don't take love for granite
5+ Boulder at Selsberget
Awesome name!
5+ Selsberget Boulder 2014-09-02
6A Boulder at Selsberget
6a Selsberget Boulder 2014-09-02
Air mail
6B Boulder at Selsberget
Almost flashed it, but then I got stuck in the middle of the mantling at the top-out! Great line :)
6b Selsberget Boulder 2014-09-02
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Selsberget
6c Selsberget Boulder 2014-09-02
Red point
Red point
Perfecto höger
6C Boulder at Avanäs (Lövånger)
6c Avanäs (Lövånger) Boulder 2014-08-30
FA Red point
FA Red point
Till Havs
6A+ Boulder at Avanäs (Lövånger)
6a+ Avanäs (Lövånger) Boulder 2014-08-30
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Avanäs (Lövånger)
6a+ (6a) Avanäs (Lövånger) Boulder 2014-08-30
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Avanäs (Lövånger)
Tough start followed by a really well flowing sloper sequence
6c Avanäs (Lövånger) Boulder 2014-08-26
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Lilla gubben
6A+ Boulder at Avanäs (Lövånger)
6a+ Avanäs (Lövånger) Boulder 2014-08-26
Red point
Red point
Pippi Calzaslargas (ståstart)
6A Boulder at Avanäs (Lövånger)
6a+ (6a) Avanäs (Lövånger) Boulder 2014-08-26
Den Veke
6A Boulder at Jonberget
6a Jonberget Boulder 2014-08-02
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Casual Moves
6C+ Boulder at Jonberget
Very cool sequence in the middle of the problem. Feels like hard 6C+ or soft 7A.
6c+ Jonberget Boulder 2014-08-02
FA Red point
FA Red point
5 Boulder at Jonberget
5 Jonberget Boulder 2014-07-31
6A+ Boulder at Jonberget
6a+ Jonberget Boulder 2014-07-30
Red point
Red point
No shoes
6B Boulder at Jonberget
Interesting moves. Different betas possible.
6b Jonberget Boulder 2014-07-21
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Jonberget
6a Jonberget Boulder 2014-07-21
FA Red point
FA Red point
Mjuk sten
6A Boulder at Jonberget
6a Jonberget Boulder 2014-07-21
Red point
Red point
5 Boulder at Bjuröklubb
5 Bjuröklubb Boulder 2014-06-30
6A Boulder at Bjuröklubb
6a Bjuröklubb Boulder 2014-06-29
6B Boulder at Bjuröklubb
6a+ (6b) Bjuröklubb Boulder 2014-06-29
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Bjuröklubb
6B in good conditions
6b (6b+) Bjuröklubb Boulder 2014-06-29
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Lysingsbadet
6a Lysingsbadet Boulder 2014-06-28
4 Boulder at Lysingsbadet
SDS. Felt equally easy as all the other 5s in the kidscorner.
5 (4) Lysingsbadet Boulder 2014-06-28
5+ Boulder at Lysingsbadet
5+ Lysingsbadet Boulder 2014-06-28
Väntan på vingar
6B Boulder at Lysingsbadet
6a+ (6b) Lysingsbadet Boulder 2014-06-28
5+ Boulder at Lysingsbadet
5+ Lysingsbadet Boulder 2014-06-28
Sprängaren som försvann
5+ Boulder at Lysingsbadet
5+ Lysingsbadet Boulder 2014-06-28
Försten SS
6A Boulder at Brönstjärnberget
6a Brönstjärnberget Boulder 2014-06-23
Red point
Red point
6A+ Boulder at Brönstjärnberget
6a+ Brönstjärnberget Boulder 2014-06-23
Red point
Red point
7A+ Boulder at Stenarna
Nice line! Pure body tension. Soft.
6c+ (7a+) Stenarna Boulder 2014-05-27
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Degerberget
6a Degerberget Boulder 2014-05-19
Red point
Red point
Slap slap
6B+ Boulder at Degerberget
6c (6b+) Degerberget Boulder 2014-05-18
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at Fagerviksberget
Did it some time in autumn 2013. Weird top out :)
6b Fagerviksberget Boulder 2013-10-15
Red point
Red point
5 Boulder at Fagerviksberget
5 Fagerviksberget Boulder 2013-09-07
Steck Ihn Rein!
6C Boulder at Fagerviksberget
6c Fagerviksberget Boulder 2013-09-07
FA Red point
FA Red point
6A+ Boulder at Fagerviksberget
6a+ Fagerviksberget Boulder 2013-09-05
FA Red point
FA Red point
You can do that!
6B Boulder at Fagerviksberget
6b Fagerviksberget Boulder 2013-08-31
FA Red point
FA Red point
5 Boulder at Fagerviksberget
5 Fagerviksberget Boulder 2013-08-29
6B Boulder at Fagerviksberget
Could be 6A+ as well. Not sure, though.
6b Fagerviksberget Boulder 2013-08-29
Red point
Red point
No cracks please!
6A Boulder at Fagerviksberget
Not sure about the grade. Could be one step lower.
6a Fagerviksberget Boulder 2013-08-25
FA Flash
FA Flash
5 Boulder at Fagerviksberget
5 Fagerviksberget Boulder 2013-08-25
5+ Boulder at Fagerviksberget
Was easier than expected. I think it could be a 5C.
5+ Fagerviksberget Boulder 2013-08-25
2nd Flash
2nd Flash
Willkommen zurück
6B Boulder at Fagerviksberget
6b Fagerviksberget Boulder 2013-08-24
FA Red point
FA Red point
6B Boulder at Bjuröklubb
Cool moves! I would say 6A+ with the heel hook beta for the move to the ledge.
6a+ (6b) Bjuröklubb Boulder 2013-05-29
Red point
Red point
6A+ Boulder at Stenarna
6a+ Stenarna Boulder 2013-05-28
Red point
Red point
? på Huvudsektorn
5+ Boulder at Stenarna
5+ Stenarna Boulder 2013-05-28