Pablo Gonzalez Polanco
has visited and listed 5 crags in 1 country — is a member of Mira
- Pablo Gonzalez Polanco • 3 weeks agoupdated his or her tick list- La Fania All Stars 6A
- Hotel Regency 6B
- Para los Bloqueros 6B+
- L'Home Del Braç d'Or 6C - Pablo Gonzalez Polanco • 1 month agoupdated his or her to-do list- Dreams 7A+
- Hombros Locos 7A+
- Lance del Ale Joe 7C
- Ale Joe 7A
... - Pablo Gonzalez Polanco • 1 month agoupdated his or her tick list- Xe justet hui 6B+
- A Carn Viva 6A+
- Fisuteta 6B
- Momento angular 6C
... - Pablo Gonzalez Polanco • 6 months agoupdated his or her to-do list- Bloque 32 - Lobezno X-Tension 7A