
Yearly top 10 averages
7b 0 0 0 0 0
7a+ 1 0 0 0 1
7a 0 0 0 0 0
6c+ 1 0 0 0 1
6c 0 0 0 0 0
6b+ 3 1 0 2 0
6b 5 3 1 1 0
6a+ 7 4 3 0 0
6a 4 2 2 0 0
5+ 3 2 0 0 1
5 0 0 0 0 0
4+ 1 1 0 0 0
Route Grade Crag Type Ascent date Ascent type
Hasta siempre Comandante L1
6a Sport at Monte Casale
Sport route (though, the bolts are quite far apart) on the magnificent Mt. Casale. The route doesn't seem to have many repetitions and we found it a bit dirty. For me the dihedral pitches were not easy!
6b (6a) Monte Casale Sport 2022-04-21
Il sole di David e Michelangelo
6b Traditional at Limarò
I strongly recommend this route! Bring 2 or 3 small/medium friends and try to avoid hot, sweaty days. Elegant line and pure satisfaction
6a+ (6b) Limarò Traditional 2022-04-20
Le scalette dell'indria
6a Traditional at Dro
Fun and safe route, but not very continuous. The rock is top quality, protections are sufficient and there's little bush walking. The few 5c/6a pitches are interrupted by a lot of easy parts, which affects the rhythm of the climbing. Still, I would recommend it for a first experience into the VI grade
6a Dro Traditional 2022-04-19
Fiaba nel bosco
6a Sport at Dro
fun and clean route just next to the ferrata delle Cavre. It's unfortunately interrupted by a steep bush walking a few pitches from the top, but the rock is top quality and the bolts makes it a real plasir
6a Dro Sport 2022-04-18
Zo le man L1
5+ Sport at Parete Zebrata
WTF!? Why is climbing in Placche Zebrate even allowed!? This is so dangerous for yourself and everyone on the ground! Please tell all your German friends to stay away from the "Sonnenplatten", this place is a death trap. Also, this route was supposed to be S1, has bolts up to 10m apart. Enjoy
5+ (5+) Parete Zebrata Sport 2022-04-16
? Sport at Dro
this route is a joke, and not a funny one! Don't even get close, and please discourage anyone from climbing it! The rock is loose and terrible, be careful if you are on the ground. The description on "Arco Walls" guide is totally fake, luckily there's not even a name at the base of the route and you have to be unlucky to find it. The grade doesn't matter, since you can't free climb it
6a (?) Dro Sport 2022-04-16
Red point
Red point
La Piccola Piramide
5+ Traditional at Dro
fun route on solid rock and good protections! The traverses and the final pitch are quite challenging, don't underestimate the "5+" grade
5+ (5+) Dro Traditional 2022-04-15
Il canto dell'indria
6a+ Traditional at Dro
a classic route with 2 or 3 memorable pitches in the top half. Don't underestimate the "6a+" grade, some parts require good endurance and passion for the exposure :) The lower half is nothing exciting and can be frustrating in moist conditions
6a+ Dro Traditional 2021-10-20
Fra Tac
6b+ Sport at Dro
the second 6b/+ pitch is fun and pumpy! There's a bolt every meter, everyone can try it :) Exposed rappel down to the ground
6b+ Dro Sport 2021-10-19
Red point
Red point
Robin Hood
6b+ Sport at Dro
Nice short multi pitch on good rock. Beware you have to rappel down. You can climb the first pitch as a stand alone sport route, until the top of the slab (spit with ring)
6b (6b+) Dro Sport 2021-10-19
Red point
Red point
Anche le donne vogliono arrampicare
6b Sport at Dro
recommend short-ish route in Anglone, on fantastic rock and good protections. I've climbed the crux dihedral pitch staying on the left hand corner, probably making it easier than the grade suggests
6a+ (6b) Dro Sport 2021-10-18
6b Traditional at Dro
one of my favorite routes in Anglone! Super recommended, don't under estimate it: there are 2 ~6b pitches and 2-3 mid size cams can be helpful. The new Arco Walls guide book gives some inaccurate info about the last 2 pitches: they are actually good, on solid rock, and no A0 move. Don't try to traverse to Archai (also an awesome route) as suggested by some
6b Dro Traditional 2021-10-17
6b Sport at Dro
fun and "short" climb on generally good rock and S1 protections. We found the first pitch to be the pumpiest, the rest of the route is enjoyable and stress free
6b Dro Sport 2021-04-24
Moana mon amour
7a+ Sport at Laghel
This was a big adventure, and I'm really grateful for the experience. I would grade it 6C, plus several A0/A1 moves on three pitches (3rd, 4th, 8th), that are mentally and physically tiring
7a+ Laghel Sport 2021-04-22
Top rope
Top rope
6b Traditional at Dro
Spectacular route, totally recommended and awesome. The climbing on tufas under the curved roof (pitch 4) is amazing, as well as the last overhang on pitch 9 (free climbing 6b/+). Unfortunately, we found the traverse under the big roof (pitch 8) very unsecure and slippery, and after a scared attempt we had to pull on the bolts (two A0 moves in a row). Bring at least 13 Quickdraws with you
6b Dro Traditional 2021-04-20
Red point
Red point
Minuetto a Ceniga
6b+ Sport at Dro
Super duper fun climb I totally recommend! Well protected, varied, and on good rock. Only 2 stars because of the 3 "useless" bush wacking pitches at the end, and in the middle
6b+ Dro Sport 2021-04-19
Stelle di polvere variante uscita destra
6a+ Sport at Dro
Bad rock, uninteresting line, overrated and over graded. Ciao
6a+ Dro Sport 2021-04-19
Cuore d'oro
6a+ Traditional at Dro
the rock quality is good but the short pitches and many traverses make the climbing less enjoyable. Also, not as hard as described!
6a+ Dro Traditional 2021-04-17
Le due pareti
6a+ Traditional at Dro
Fantastic route, rated R3 because of the last 2 pitches. Keep breathing and keep going :) The second wall has really good climbing but all together I've enjoyed Archai route better
6a+ Dro Traditional 2020-10-20
6a+ Traditional at Dro
Exceptional route! All the pitches are nice, good rock, logic line, continuos, no bushwacking, and even the 2 traverses are interesting. An absolute favorite!
6a+ Dro Traditional 2020-10-19
6c+ Sport at San Paolo
Hard start, hard finish. Well protected but still engaging! You can link 3rd and 4th pitch. Ideal for parties with one good climber and one bunny. I was the bunny, thanks Claudio :)
6c+ San Paolo Sport 2020-10-18
Top rope
Top rope
Via del boomerang
5+ Traditional at Parete Zebrata
Serious route despite the easy grade, do not underestimate it! It took us a total of 9,5 hours from the parking without much chilling in between. The climbing is discontinuous and you should be careful not to get off route on the top part (17th pitch). There are at least 6 annoying traverse pitches on terrible crumbly rocks, grass and bushes. It's an adventure for sure
5+ Parete Zebrata Traditional 2020-10-17
Top rope
Top rope
Via dei ciclamini
4+ Sport at Lastoni di Dro
Barefoot on sight free solo wet ascent. AMAZING view
3+ (4+) Lastoni di Dro Sport 2020-10-16
La luna argentea
6a+ Traditional at Dro
Not as hard as though, crux pitch definitely not 6c, last pitch not V+. Rock generally ok, enjoyable route and day :)
6b (6a+) Dro Traditional 2020-10-16
Alta Tensione
6a+ Sport at Cavedine
6a/+, enjoyable and on good rock!
6a (6a+) Cavedine Sport 2020-10-12
La piccola verticalità
6a Traditional at Dro
Fantastic route!
6a Dro Traditional 2018-10-14