
Yearly top 10 averages
7B+ 0 0 0
7B 1 0 1
7A+ 0 0 0
7A 4 0 4
6C+ 0 0 0
6C 0 0 0
6B+ 1 0 1
6B 1 0 1
6A+ 0 0 0
6A 2 0 2
5+ 0 0 0
Route Grade Crag Type Ascent date Ascent type
Der Stern von Bethmahelm
7B Boulder at Breezy Stones
6b (7b) Breezy Stones Boulder 2024-07-16
Red point
Red point
Action Directe
7A Boulder at Roche aux Oiseaux
7a Roche aux Oiseaux Boulder 2023-09-20
Red point
Red point
La Marie-Rose - Red 22
6A Boulder at Bas Cuvier
6a Bas Cuvier Boulder 2023-09-15
Red point
Red point
Le Grand Toit (droite)
7A Boulder at Éléphant ouest
7a Éléphant ouest Boulder 2023-09-08
Red point
Red point
La Prua
6B Boulder at Soriano nel Cimino
6b Soriano nel Cimino Boulder 2023-07-18
Red point
Red point
Re lucertola
6A Boulder at Uliveto
a little bit spooky to do when traveling with no spotter
6a Uliveto Boulder 2023-03-14
Red point
Red point
Le soupcon
7A Boulder at Maunoury
7a Maunoury Boulder 2022-04-15
Red point
Red point
Beta Hunter / Toit du Lépiney
6B+ Boulder at Éléphant
6b+ Éléphant Boulder 2022-04-14
Red point
Red point
L'Œil de Boîte dans l'Épaule
7A Boulder at Maunoury
7a Maunoury Boulder 2022-04-05
Red point
Red point